

The DFRduino Player MP3 module is designed to give your project speech. The DFRduino player V3.0 is based around an ATS2513 chip and supports recording and Chinese TTS voice synthesis. The board supports a greater range of SD cards up to a maximum of a 32GB TF card. Audio is output in stereo. There is a 2-way power amplifier output and the board is able to drive a speaker up to 3W. The chip can decode MP3 files without using up any Arduino resources. All you will need is a TF card and a speaker. The "OUT" port will output a high pulse after the end of each song.


Board Overview

  1. VCC Voltage in (Power requires 5V@1000mA)

  2. GND Ground

  3. RX Serial data receive

  4. TX Serial data sender

  5. OUT Voice interrupt output, outputs a high pulse after the end of each song

    • Speaker Interface:

L_SP: left sound channel

R_SP: right sound channel

Module Communication Protocol

Serial port mode, baud rate @19200 bps, 8, N, 1 format.

Communication instructions use a string form, "\r\n" express a enter newline character , it will get the return value of a string form after sending the command.

Feature Name Instruction The Return Value Note
Pause \:p\r\n Return pause\r\n \r\n Enter newline character
Play \:s\r\n Return start\r\n \r\n Enter newline character
Next \:n\r\n Return next\r\n Failure false\r\n \r\n Enter newline character
Previous \:u\r\n Return key up\r\n \r\n Enter newline character
Volume \:v X\r\n(Note: is v Spaces with digital again, range of 0-255, 0 is mute, 255 is maximum volume) Return vol set ok\r\n X=0-255,The greater the number, the greater the volume
Song List \:l\r\n Return \r\n After the last song: End of Filelist
Play the Specified File \Voice File Name\r\n Return Play ok\r\n File Not found\r\n Play End Play end\r\n Voice file name is not more than eight capital English letters or characters, 4 input file name does not need to include type suffix
Record \:r\r\n Return record\r\n After turning on the mic to start recording, the module will no longer support among other control commands, unless sent \ : e exit recording applications.
Exit Recording \:e\r\n Output:exit record\r\n Stop the recording, and in turn automatically save as: REC001.mp3 REC002.mp3 ……
Play tts voice \:t Voice character\r\n Return Play ok\r\n File Not found\r\n Play end Play end\r\n Voice is not more than 21 characters
Version Query \:i\r\n Return DFRduino Player V3.0 \r\n https://www.dfrobot.com/ \r\n


Key Recorder

Simple Recorder


Sample Code

 //Use the command finished recording
 //\:r\r\n start recording command
 //\:e\r\n end of record command

 //serial port connection mode
 //Arduino    MP3
 //TX         RX
 //RX         TX
 //5V          5V
 //GND        GND

int adc_key_val[5] ={600, 650, 700, 800, 950 };
 int NUM_KEYS = 5;
 int adc_key_in;
 int key=-1;
 int oldkey=-1;

 void setup()
   delay(2000);                   //Wait for initialization
   Serial.println("\\:v 200");    //Set the volume, from 0 (minimum)-255 (maximum)

 void loop()
   adc_key_in = analogRead(0);    // read the value from the sensor

   key = get_key(adc_key_in);    // convert into key press

   if (key != oldkey)     // if keypress is detected
     delay(50);     // wait for debounce time
     adc_key_in = analogRead(0);    // read the value from the sensor
     key = get_key(adc_key_in);    // convert into key press
     if (key != oldkey)
       oldkey = key;
       if (key >=0){
            case 0:
                   Serial.println("\\:r"); // start record
            case 1:
                   Serial.println("\\:e");// exit record

 // Convert ADC value to key number
 int get_key(unsigned int input)
     int k;

     for (k = 0; k < NUM_KEYS; k  )
       if (input < adc_key_val[k])
             return k;
     if (k >= NUM_KEYS)k = -1;  // No valid key pressed
     return k;

Simple Player


Sample Code

/ / put audio files in the root directory, support. WAV, .MP3 this two kinds of file formats
/ / 5V voltage and current guarantee 1000 mA, if current is not enough, need to turn volume down, or play with a single horn
/ / the function of the lamp:
/ / after the success of initialization will long bright, if SD card is not inserted or it is bad, will keep flashing, at the same time,
/ / serial port output Please check micro SD card \ r \ n
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / serial port communication / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / Play audio: voice file name \ r \ n Play songs of the corresponding name, if found songs played right will return to Play ok \ r \ n
/ / return if failure  Not found \ r \ n.  return If play end  over \ r \ n \ r \ n said carriage returns)
/ /voice file name no more than eight English alphabets  , four Chinese.
// pause \ : p \ r \ n successfully return pause \ r \ n
/ / continue to play \ \ : s successfully return to start \ r \ r \ n \ n
/ / play next song  \ \ : n \ r \ n successfully return next \ r \ n, or  failure return false\ r \ n
/ / play previous song  \ \ :u \ r \ n successfully return key up \ r \ n
/ / volume Settings \ \ : v 255\ r \ n, set the volume, Numbers 0-255, the greater the number, the greater the volume, successfully return play end \ r \ n

 //Serial port connection mode
 //Arduino    MP3
 //TX         RX
 //RX         TX
 //5V          5V
 //GND        GND

 int adc_key_val[5] ={600, 650, 700, 800, 950 };
 int NUM_KEYS = 5;
 int adc_key_in;
 int key=-1;
 int oldkey=-1;

 void setup()
   delay(2000);                   //Wait for initialization
   Serial.println("\\:v 200");    //Set the volume, from 0 (minimum)-255 (maximum)

 void loop()
   adc_key_in = analogRead(0);    // read the value from the sensor

   key = get_key(adc_key_in);    // convert into key press

   if (key != oldkey)     // if keypress is detected
     delay(50);     // wait for debounce time
     adc_key_in = analogRead(0);    // read the value from the sensor
     key = get_key(adc_key_in);    // convert into key press
     if (key != oldkey)
       oldkey = key;
       if (key >=0){
            case 0:
                   Serial.println("\\:p"); // Pause
            case 1:
                   Serial.println("\\:s");// Continoue to play
            case 2:
                   Serial.println("\\:n");  // Play next
            case 3:
                   Serial.println("\\:u"); // Play previous
            case 4:                        //Play specified song

 // Convert ADC value to key number
 int get_key(unsigned int input)
     int k;

     for (k = 0; k < NUM_KEYS; k  )
       if (input < adc_key_val[k])
             return k;
     if (k >= NUM_KEYS)k = -1;  // No valid key pressed
     return k;


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V2.0 handbook