


OSD is the abbreviation of On-screen Display, this is a screen menu adjustment display technology to add different menu-style characters on the screen display.

FireBeetle OSD Character Overlay Module is a new product presented by DFRobot. It adopts AT7456E OSD chip. This is a single-channel OSD module, equipped with functions like video drive, sync separator, video separate switch, etc. It comes with 512 bytes EEPROM user-defined storage space. After connected to video sources (AV Signals), the display covers 540x192 pixels which can show 16x30 characters on the screen. Users can also call font library to show characters and images.

This FireBeetle OSD Character Overlay Module is compatible with FireBeetle series interfaces and can be directly plugged into FireBeetle mainboards. This module can be widely applied to device character display and time display of monitor device such as road cameras, home automation.



Function Diagram

FireBeetle OSD Character Overlay Module Function Diagram

Board Overview

warning_yellow.png NOTE: When disconnect NC, VCC is the output voltage of the power supply(USB power supply: 5V; lithium battery power supply: 3.7V)



Connection Diagram

FireBeetle Covers-OSD Character Overlay Module Connection Diagram

Operation Steps

warning_yellow.png NOTE: cs variable is chip select pin and it must be respond to dial switch. E.g. Dial switch D3 respond to IO26 of FireBeetle-ESP32. Here the CS is D3.

EEPROM Character Library

the first page of EEPROM: the first character address is 0x01 the second page of EEPROM: the second character address is 0x101

Matrix Software Guide

1. Click option button

FireBeetle Covers-OSD Character Overlay Module Tool

2. Select options as follows: Padding Removal, Line wrap,Byte

FireBeetle Covers-OSD Character Overlay Module Config

3. Input content to the left edit box, click Generate to get matrix.

FireBeetle Covers-OSD Character Overlay Module Putout

Sample Code

  * file DFRobot_OSD.ino
  * character superimposition.
  * @n This example Set characters on the screen.
  * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  * version  V1.0
  * date  2017-10-9

#include <DFRobot_OSD.h>

/*select CS pin*/
#ifdef __AVR__
int cs = 3;
#elif defined ESP_PLATFORM
int cs = D3;
#elif defined __ets__
int cs = D3;
  #error unknow board

DFRobot_OSD osd(cs);

/*Define Chinese characters*/

int buf0[36] = {0x00,0x00,0x40,0x01,0x40,0x02,0x40,0x03,0xFC,0x07,0x44,0x00,0x44,0x02,0x44,0x02,0x7C,0x02,0x94,0x02,0x94,0x01,0x92,0x01,0x12,0x01,0x9A,0x05,0x52,0x06,0x22,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
int buf1[36] = {0x08,0x00,0x08,0x00,0xC8,0x07,0xBC,0x04,0xA8,0x02,0x98,0x02,0xFE,0x02,0x88,0x02,0x8C,0x02,0xB4,0x04,0xA6,0x04,0xBC,0x04,0xA4,0x04,0xA4,0x06,0xBC,0x00,0x84,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
int buf2[36] = {0x00,0x00,0x04,0x02,0xC4,0x03,0x44,0x02,0x5E,0x01,0x44,0x01,0x44,0x05,0xCC,0x06,0x76,0x02,0x76,0x02,0xA6,0x02,0xA6,0x01,0x24,0x01,0x94,0x01,0x54,0x02,0x24,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
int buf3[36] = {0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0xF4,0x01,0xAC,0x00,0xB4,0x07,0xA4,0x04,0xF4,0x05,0xAE,0x03,0xA4,0x02,0xE6,0x02,0xBA,0x06,0xE6,0x05,0xA6,0x01,0x86,0x00,0x89,0x00,0xF1,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};

void setup(){

  /* Write the custom character to the OSD, replacing the original character*/
  /* Expand 0xe0 to 0x0e0, the high 8 bits indicate page number and the low 8 bits indicate the inpage address.*/

  /*Displays custom characters*/

  /*display character*/

  /*display String*/
  const char* str1 = "DFRobot";
  String str2 = "2017.9.12";

  osd.displayString(4,2,"hello world!");


void loop(){


Expected Results


Compatibility Test

MCU Pass Failed Not Tested Remark
Leonardo Tested with Dupont wire

Arduino Library Functions

DFRobot_OSD Arduino library

*Construct a function, parameter: CS(Chip Select) pins

DFRobot_OSD(int CS);

*Initialize OSD

void init();

*Clear characters in the display

void clear(void);

*Show EEPROM characters of 16x30. Parameters: row means Y-axis (0,15), col means X-axis (0,29), addr means characters address value, MSB is page number, LSB is page address (EEPROM for reference). E.g. 0x28, which means the first page and the page address is 0x28, refers to EEPROM and it stands for character-d; 0x10F, which means the second page and the page address is 0x0F, refers to EEPROM and it stands for character-radar.

void displayChar(unsigned char row, unsigned char col, unsigned short addr);

*Display strings, 16x30 characters utmost. Parameters: row means Y-axis (0,15), col means X-axis (0,29), s means string.

void displayString(unsigned char row, unsigned char col, unsigned char *s);

*Display strings, 16x30 characters utmost. Parameters: row means Y-axis (0,15), col means X-axis (0,29), s means string.

void displayString(unsigned char row, unsigned char col, String s);

*Save user-defined characters to OSD designated address. Parameters: addr means OSD address to save characters, dt is a matrix drawn by matrix software.

void storeChar(unsigned short addr,int dt[]);


Q&A Some general Arduino Problems/FAQ/Tips
For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum.

Compatibility Testing

MCU PASS Fall None Note
Leonardo wire connect


Fig1: FireBeetle Covers-OLED12864 Display

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