

An ultrasonic sensor measures distance by calculating the time difference between sending a signal and receiving an echo from an object. It uses echolocation to measure distances, just like a bat.

The URM07 is an ultra low-power sensor. The effect range is up to 7.5m, and it has a wide range power supply of 3.0 - 5.5V. It is directly compatible with 3.3V or 5V devices such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi .etc. The average operating current is only 5mA and standby current is only 14uA.

According to the principle of ultrasound sensors, the accuracy of the distance value will be affected by the air temperature and wind direction, so using a DFRobot URM07 built-in temperature sensor, you can read the ambient temperature, and automatically calculate temperature compensation. The sensor uses an integrated ultrasonic probe with a detection angle of approximately 60° in a compact and lightweight unit. The unit uses a 2.54mm pitch 4Pin interface, using UART communication, compatible with most common microcontrollers.

URM07 UART ultrasonic distance sensors have undertaken rigorous road testing and optimization. We guarantee that this sensor has first-class response speed, ultra high stability, the highest sensitivity and ultra low power consumption. If you have harsh environmental requirements for your sensor performance in your design, the URM07 is definitely the best choice.




URM07 Detecting Angle

Communication Protocol

Communication Command Frame Format:

Header Header 2 Address Data Length Command Data Checksum
0x55 0xAA 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte Data 1~Data n 1 byte

Commands List:

Read distance Read temperature Set address Set baud rate
0x02 0x03 0x55 0x08

Read the Measured Distance

The host sends a frame command to the ultrasonic module through the UART interface to trigger the module to start detecting, and then receives the distance value command returned by the module.

URM07 Distance Measurement

For example, the address of the ultrasonic module is 0x11, the host sends: 0x55 0xAA 0x11 0x00 0x02 0x12 [ 55 AA 11 00 02 12 ]

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Device address ----- 0x11
Data length ----- 0x00
Command --------- 0x02
Checksum ------- 0x12

The ultrasonic module returns data as: 0x55 0xAA 0x11 0x02 0x02 0x00 0xCA 0xDE

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Local address ----- 0x11
Data length ----- 0x02
Command --------- 0x02
Distance High ----- 0x00
Distance low ----- 0xCA (Distance value 0x00CA unit is centimeter, that is, decimal 202 cm)
Checksum ------- 0xDE

Read the Measured Temperature

The host reads the current temperature measured by the ultrasonic module via the UART interface.

URM07 Temperature Measurement

For example, the ultrasonic module address is 0x11, the host sends: 0x55 0xAA 0x11 0x00 0x03 0x13 [ 55 AA 11 00 03 13 ]

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Device address ----- 0x11
Data length ----- 0x00
Command --------- 0x03
Checksum ------- 0x13

The ultrasonic module returns data as: 0x55 0xAA 0x11 0x02 0x03 0x00 0xFF 0x14

Description: Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Local address ----- 0x11
Data length ----- 0x02
Command --------- 0x03
Temperature high ----- 0x01
Temperature low ----- 0x13 (temperature value 0x0113, 27.5 degrees. Note: T = Returned value/10)
Checksum ------- 0x29

Set the Address of the Ultrasonic Module

The host sets the ultrasonic module address via the UART interface. URM07 Modify the Address

For example, set the ultrasonic module address 0x12, the host sends: 0x55 0xAA 0xAB 0x01 0x55 0x12 0x12 [ 55 AA AB 01 55 12 12 ]

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Device address ----- 0xAB (0xAB for the broadcast address, that is, all the common address of the module, you can use 0xAB instead of the device itself address if you are not sure the current Address)
Data length ----- 0x01
Command --------- 0x55
Set the address ----- 0x12 (need to set the device address 0x12) Checksum ------- 0x12

Set the success of the ultrasonic module return command 0x55 0xAA 0x12 0x01 0x55 0xCC 0x33

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Device address ----- 0x12 (modified device address)
Data length ----- 0x01
Command --------- 0x55
Operation status ----- 0xCC (0xCC - operation completed 0xEE - operation failed) Checksum ------- 0x33

Set the UART Communication Baud Rate

The host sets the ultrasonic module communication baud rate via the UART interface.

URM07 Modify the Baudraet

For example, if the address of the ultrasonic module is set to 0x11, the host sends: 0x55 0xAA 0x11 0x01 0x08 0x0B 0x24 //Set baudrate to 256000bps [ 55 AA 11 01 08 0B 24 ]

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Device address ----- 0x11
Data length ----- 0x01
Command --------- 0x08
Baud rate selection --- 0x0B
Checksum ------- 0x24

If the setting is successful, the ultrasonic module returns the command as: 0x55 0xAA 0x11 0x01 0x08 0xCC 0xE5

Frame header --------- 0x55
Frame header --------- 0xAA
Device address ----- 0x11
Data length ----- 0x01
Command --------- 0x08
Operation status ----- 0xCC (0xCC - operation completed 0xEE - operation failed)
Checksum ------- 0xE5

Baud rate Selection List:

1200bps 2400bps 4800bps 9600bps 14400bps 19200bps 28800bps 38400bps 57600bps 115200bps 128000bps 256000bps
0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B

For example, when the device address is default 0x11, the baud rate setting command is as follows:

55 AA 11 01 08 00 19 //Set the baud rate 1200bps
55 AA 11 01 08 01 1A //Set the baud rate 2400bps
55 AA 11 01 08 02 1B //Set the baud rate 4800bps
55 AA 11 01 08 03 1C //Set the baud rate 9600bps
55 AA 11 01 08 04 1D //Set the baud rate 14400bps
55 AA 11 01 08 05 1E //Set the baud rate 19200bps
55 AA 11 01 08 06 1F //Set the baud rate 28800bps
55 AA 11 01 08 07 20 //Set the baud rate 38400bps
55 AA 11 01 08 08 21 //Set the baud rate 57600bps
55 AA 11 01 08 09 22 //Set the baud rate 115200bps
55 AA 11 01 08 0A 23 //Set the baud rate 128000bps
55 AA 11 01 08 0B 24 //Set the baud rate 256000bps

Arduino URM07 Ultrasonic Tutorial


Here are some notes:

  1. With a single URM07 module, a generic device address 0xAB can be used instead if the device address is unknown.
  2. Before the power on the URM07 module is not started, set the TX port to high and lower the RX port, and maintaining more than 1s can enable the module parameters to revert to factory settings.
  3. After the factory reset, the module can not start normally to enter a normal communication state, the on-board LED light flash with 10Hz. The module starts normally when powered back on.
  4. After the module is started, the module on-board LED only lights up the indication during the process of receiving the data and processing, and the LED goes out when in the standby state.

Read Distance Value via Arduino (Single)

Arduino URM07 Ultrasonic Single Control


Default Address: 0x11; Default Baudrate: 19200 bps Leonardo GPIO Power Supply. (40mA) |

// # Author: Strictus.zhang@dfrobot.com
// # Date: 20.08.2016
// # Product Name: URM07-UART Ultrasonic Sensor
// # SKU: SEN0153
// # version number: 1.0
// # Code Description: 20-750cm distance measurement, the received data is not verified

// # Connection: Arduino LEonardo GPIO Power Supply
// # Pin VCC (URM07 V1.0) -> D3     (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin GND (URM07 V1.0) -> D2     (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin  RX (URM07 V1.0) -> TX1/D1 (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin  TX (URM07 V1.0) -> RX1/D0 (Arduino Leonardo)

#define header_H    0x55 //Header
#define header_L    0xAA //Header
#define device_Addr 0x11 //Address
#define data_Length 0x00 //Data length
#define get_Dis_CMD 0x02 //Command: Read Distance
#define checksum    (header_H+header_L+device_Addr+data_Length+get_Dis_CMD) //Checksum

unsigned char i=0;
unsigned int  Distance=0;
unsigned char Rx_DATA[8];
unsigned char CMD[6]={
  header_H,header_L,device_Addr,data_Length,get_Dis_CMD,checksum}; //Distance command package

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);  //Ultrasonic VCC
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);   //Ultrasonic GND
  Serial1.begin(19200);  //Serial1: Ultrasonic Sensor Communication Serial Port, Buadrate: 19200
  Serial.begin(19200);   //Serial: USB Serial Data output, baudrate: 19200

void loop() {
  delay(150);  //Wait for the result
  while (Serial1.available()){  //Read the return data (Note: this demo is only for the reference, no data verification)
  Distance=((Rx_DATA[5]<<8)|Rx_DATA[6]); //Read the distance value
  Serial.print(Distance);               //print distance value

URM07 Distance Display

Read Temperature Value via Arduino (Single)

// # Author: Strictus.zhang@dfrobot.com
// # Date: 20.08.2016
// # Product Name: URM07-UART Ultrasonic Sensor
// # SKU: SEN0153
// # version number: 1.0
// # Code Description: Temperature measurement, the received data is not verified

// # Connection: Arduino LEonardo GPIO Power Supply
// # Pin VCC (URM07 V1.0) -> D3     (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin GND (URM07 V1.0) -> D2     (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin  RX (URM07 V1.0) -> TX1/D1 (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin  TX (URM07 V1.0) -> RX1/D0 (Arduino Leonardo)

#define header_H     0x55 //Header
#define header_L     0xAA //Header
#define device_Addr  0x11 //Address
#define data_Length  0x00 //Data length
#define get_Temp_CMD 0x03 //Command: Read Temperature
#define checksum     (header_H+header_L+device_Addr+data_Length+get_Temp_CMD) //check sum

unsigned char i=0;
int  temperature=0;
unsigned char Rx_DATA[8];
unsigned char CMD[6]={header_H,header_L,device_Addr,data_Length,get_Temp_CMD,checksum}; //Temperature Command package

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   // Ultrasonic Sensor VCC
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);   // Ultrasonic Sensor GND
  Serial1.begin(19200);  // Serial1: Ultrasonic Sensor Communication Serial Port, Baud rate: 19200
  Serial.begin(19200);   // Serial: USB Serial Monitor

void loop() {
 delay(50);  //Wait Data Return
 while (Serial1.available()){  //Read returned Data (Note: Demo is just for Reference , no data verification)
 temperature=((Rx_DATA[5]<<8)|Rx_DATA[6]);  //Read temperature Value (10 times)
 Serial.print(temperature/10);             //Print Temperature

URM07 Temperature Display

Read Distance Value via Arduino (Cascade)

URM07 Cascade Connection


Set different address first: 0x11; 0x22; 0x33; 0x44 Leonardo GPIO Power Supply. (40mA) Default Baudrate: 119200 bps |

// # Author: Strictus.zhang@dfrobot.com
// # Date: 20.08.2016
// # Product Name: URM07-UART Ultrasonic Sensor
// # SKU: SEN0153
// # version number: 1.0
// # Code Description: Cascade Connection: Temperature & Distance measurement, the received data is not verified

// # Connection: Arduino LEonardo GPIO Power Supply
// # Pin VCC (URM07 V1.0) -> D3     (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin GND (URM07 V1.0) -> D2     (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin  RX (URM07 V1.0) -> TX1/D1 (Arduino Leonardo)
// # Pin  TX (URM07 V1.0) -> RX1/D0 (Arduino Leonardo)

unsigned char i=0,j=0;
unsigned int  Distance=0;
unsigned char Rx_DATA[8];
unsigned char CMD[4][6]={
                        }; //Distance Measurement Package

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH);  //Ultrasonic Sensor VCC
  digitalWrite(2, LOW);   //Ultrasonic Sensor GND
  Serial1.begin(19200);  //Serial1: Ultrasonice Sensors Serial Communication Port, baudrate: 19200
  Serial.begin(19200);   //Serial: USB Serial Monitor

void loop() {
 delay(150);  //Wait returned result
 while (Serial1.available()){  //Read Returned Value (This demo is only for reference, no data verification)
 Distance=((Rx_DATA[5]<<8)|Rx_DATA[6]); //Read distance value
 Serial.print("URM07-UART module[");   //print distance
 Serial.print("]get_Dis= ");

URM07 Cascade


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A For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum.

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