Beetle ESP32 is a simplified version of FireBeetle-ESP32. It is equipped with the powerful functions and extensive range of applications similar to FireBeetle-ESP32, which extremely suits for one-off DIY projects and wearable devices. The features of this product include:
- A small size of 35mm×34mm
- Enable users to directly download and debug programs through Micro USB, free from programmer.
- Large-scale I/O ports with gold plating, easy to screw wire on it or to sew the board on the clothes with wires, no need to solder.
- A group of gold plating power interfaces of honeycomb type, convenient to use.
- Integrate WIFI and Bluetooth
Beetle Esp32 is compatible with Arduino , and the board type should be selected as “FireBeetle-ESP32”.
- USB Supply Voltage: 5.0V
- VIN Supply Voltage: DC 3.5-6.5V
- Processor: Tensilica LX6 dual-core processor (One for high speed connection; one for independent programing )
- Frequency: 240MHz
- SRAM: 520KB
- Flash: 16MB
- Wi-Fi Standard: FCC/CE/TELEC/KCC
- Wi-Fi Protocol: 802.11 b/g/n/d/e/i/k/r(802.11n, high speed can reach to 150 Mbps), converge A-MPDU and A-MSDU, supporting 0.4us protecting interval.
- Frequency Range: 2.4~2.5GHz
- Bluetooth Protocol: comply with BR/EDR/BLE standard of Bluetooth v4.2.
- On-chip Clock: 40MHz crystal and 32.768 KHz crystal
- Digital Interface: D2, D3, D4, D7
- Analog Interface: A0, A1, A2, A3
- I2C: 1
- Serial Port: 1
- Dimension: 35×34mm/1.38×1.34"

Beetle ESP32 Pinout Table | |
VIN | Power Input |
GND | Ground |
A0 | Analog Input |
A1 | Analog Input |
A2 | Analog Input |
A3 | Analog Input |
D2 | Digital I/O Interface |
D3 | Digital I/O Interface |
D4 | Digital I/O Interface |
D7 | Digital I/O Interface |
SCL | I2C Clock Line |
SDA | I2C Data Line |
RX | Serial Incept |
TX | Serial Transmission |
Beetle ESP32 adopts CH340 serial chip that can be used without driver among most devices. If you find the driver is not installed automatically after plugging into the device, you can install it manually: click to download the CH340 driver program.

Set Arduino IDE Development Environment
- Plug FireBeetle to your computer, install the driver manually.
- Add FireBeetle Board URL to Arduino IDE
- Open Arduino IDE, File->Preferences, find Additional Boards Manager URLs, copy the below link, and paste in the blank.


paste url here
- Click OK
- Open Tools->Board->Boards Manager, waiting automatic update. You'll find FireBeetle-ESP32

Now, the development environment has been installed, you can use it like a normal Arduino board.

Sample Code - Blink
The default LED for Beetle Board-ESP32 is D9, input following code:
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
pinMode(D9, OUTPUT);
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
digitalWrite(D9, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(D9, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
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