Wido is an Arduino compatible WIFI IoT Node development board, which integrates with WG1300 WIFI solution. The microcontroller of Wido is ATMEL ATmega32U4.
- Power Supply range: 5v or 7-12v
- Arduino Leonardo Compatible
- Integrate with WG1300 WIFI chip and support 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g network
- WIFi and MicroSD driven by SPI port
- On board 2.4G PCB Antenna
- Driver pins:
- WIFI Module-D7(IRQ),D5(VBAT),D10(CS),D14(MISO),D15(SCK),D16(MOSI)
- MicroSD-D4(CS),D14(MISO),D15(SCK),D16(MOSI)
- M2M Sensor Node development
- Toys
- Gaming
- Smart Home Device

Tutorial 1
First of all, we will bring you a step by step tutorial to lead finish the Wido router connection configuration and make it work as a TCP client connected to the local server.
Step 1
- Wido 1unit
- MicroUSB Cable 1unit
Step 2
1. Install the Arduino library to your Arduino IDE. This library for Wido is forked from Adafruit. They've finished an awesome project for this CC3000 development. Based on this library, we updated the pin configuration and extended some application sample codes.
2. Open the sample code, which is named buildtest.

3. Upload the sample code to Wido and check the Serial monitor after programming.

You will see the information printed including the MAC address and local router information detected by Wido.
4. Update the SSID and password configuration in your code!
5. Then upload the sample sketch again. And after several seconds. You will see the effect, like the picture attached.

Tutorial 2
Step 1
- Download a TCP assistant, used to create a local TCP server from your PC
Step 2
1. Open the Tool above. Config the port number, and click listening to wait for the client connection.
2. Open the sketch named "Wido2LocalTcpServer", and config the TCP server address and port according to your tool setup.
Upload the full sample after TCP/Router configuration.
3. Open the serial monitor. After connecting the router, your Wido will start to upload data to the TCP server tool!

'''Finish the local server connection and communication now. ''' You get the access to build a WIFI controlled robot with Wido or some local cloud service project. But it's not enough for most of WIFI application!
Tutorial 3
Xively (formerly Cosm) is a Platform as a Service that provides everything you need to simpify and accelerate the creation of compelling connected products and solutions. In this section, we will bring your sensor to the cloud.☺
Step 1
1. Create your own Xively account and login the develop page. Create the a new device. xively.com
2. Click and enter your device.
3. Open the example code named "Wido2Xively" included in the Arduino library. Modify the info below in the sample code according to the device information from the step 2.
The sample code:
4. Then Wido will upload the sensor data to the cloud once every 2s. You could check the Request Log and the Channel info from the device page now.
Step 2
The Adafruit library for CC3000 is really good and extending lots of feature for the WG1300. This library is also modified based on the TI smartlink solution.
Here're some simple introduction for the functions commonly used!
1. Trick for saving the programming space. The ATmega32U4 programming space is limited. So call the feature is really useful for your program.
The code above will launch the tiny driver function.
2. Initialise the module.
3. Setup the router connection!
4. Finish and get the DHCP info from the router/AP
Part 2-4 the key steps to access the network.
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