

The clover light is a new RGB LED board from DFRobot. This board connects to PWM pins for control. By pulse-width-modulating the pins any color can be created by mixing different amounts of red, green, and blue. Running from a 5V source, these LEDs are very bright.

Applications are unlimited: LED Video Screen array, Signage, PC Case Illumination, Bar/Club lighting, Festive Lighting, Garden Lighting, Arduino project application, and decorations.


Power supply: 5v Built in resistors Arduino compatible Size: 42x40x5mm

Shipping List

Clover Light (1 unit) Right Angle pin header 4p (1 unit)

Connection Diagram

Connection Diagram

Sample Code

// #
// # Editor     : Phoebe from DFRobot
// # Date       : 2012.3.21

// # Product name: Clover Light v1.2
// # Product SKU : DFR0190
// # Version     : 1.0

// # Description:
// # The colorful sketch for the rgb led

// # Connection:
// #        LED driver pins -> D3,D5,D6(PWM pins)
// #        GND -> Arduino GND
// #

byte LightDiscPins[3];

void setup()

  byte LightPins[3] = {      //R G B using the pwm pins
    6,3,5       };

//  Serial.begin(57600);
//  randomSeed(analogRead(3));


void loop()

    for(int j = 0;j < 360; j++){


void InitLightDiscPins(byte pins[]){

    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)  LightDiscPins[i] = pins[i];


void DiscLightUp(int red, int green, int blue){


void DiscLightUpHSV(int hue, int val, int sat){

    int __max_brightness = 255;
    uint8_t sector = hue / 60;
    uint8_t rel_pos = hue - (sector * 60);
    uint16_t const mmd = 255 * 255;     /* maximum modulation depth */
    uint16_t top;
    top = val * 255;
    uint16_t bottom = val * (255 - sat);    /* (val*255) - (val*255)*(sat/255) */
    uint16_t slope = (uint16_t)(val) * (uint16_t)(sat) / 120;   /* dy/dx = (top-bottom)/(2*60) -- val*sat: modulation_depth dy */
    uint16_t a = bottom + slope * rel_pos;
    uint16_t b = bottom + (uint16_t)(val) * (uint16_t)(sat) / 2 + slope * rel_pos;
    uint16_t c = top - slope * rel_pos;
    uint16_t d = top - (uint16_t)(val) * (uint16_t)(sat) / 2 - slope * rel_pos;
    uint16_t R, G, B;

    if (sector == 0)    {
        R = c;
        G = a;
        B = bottom;
    else if (sector == 1)   {
        R = d;
        G = b;
        B = bottom;
    else if (sector == 2)   {
        R = bottom;
        G = c;
        B = a;
    else if (sector == 3)   {
        R = bottom;
        G = d;
        B = b;
    else if (sector == 4)   {
        R = a;
        G = bottom;
        B = c;
    else    {
        R = b;
        G = bottom;
        B = d;

    uint16_t scale_factor = mmd / __max_brightness;

    R = (uint8_t) (R / scale_factor);
    G = (uint8_t) (G / scale_factor);
    B = (uint8_t) (B / scale_factor);
