Gravity: Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner/Sensor Arduino Wiki - DFRobot


This is a capacitive fingerprint sensor with fingerprint collecting, processing, storing, and comparison integrated all-in-one. Taking ID809 high-performance processor and semiconductor fingerprint sensor as the core, the sensor is equipped with built-in IDfinger6.0 fingerprint algorithms that enable it to complete all the fingerprint recognition independently. When working with our Arduino Library, it is able to realize functions like fingerprint registration, fingerprint deletion, etc. Also, we provide upper computer software that helps users to operate this sensor.
This fingerprint sensor comes with round breathing LEDs and has a simple structure, small size, and delicate appearance. The sensor offers fast recognition speed and high security. What’s more, it supports 360-degree arbitrary angle recognition and deep self-learning function, high performance and low power consumption. Different from the SEN0348 Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor/Scanner, this module adopts Gravity interfaces that make it more easier to connect. In addition, it is 3.3V and 5V compliant, and supports I2C communication, which is very suitable for working with controllers like UNO, micro:bit, and so on.




Dimension Diagram

Board Overview

Top View

Num Label Description
1 VCC +
2 GND Ground
3 SCL I2C Clock line
4 SDA I2C Data line
5 IRQ Finger sensing output: active High
6 LED On board LED only light up when the sensor was touched



API Function List

   * @brief Test whether the module is properly connected 
   * @return true or false
  bool isConnected();

   * @brief Set LED light
   * @param mode:in typedef enum eLED_MODE_t
   * @param color:in typedef enum eLED_COLOR_t
   * @param blink Count 0 represents keeping breathing, blinking, this parameter is only valid in mode eBreathing, eFastBlink, eSlowBlink
   * @return 0(succeed) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t ctrlLED(eLEDMode_t mode,eLEDColor_t color,uint8_t blinkCount);

   * @brief Detect whether the module is touched by a finger 
   * @return 1(Yes) or 0(No)
  uint8_t detectFinger();

   * @brief Get first registrable ID number 
   * @return Registrable ID number or Error Code
  uint8_t getEmptyID();

   * @brief Check whether the ID has been registered
   * @return 0(Registered), 1(Not yet) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t getStatusID(uint8_t ID);

   * @brief Get the number of registered users 
   * @return Number of registered users or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t getEnrollCount();

   * @brief Get the list of registered users 
   * @return 0(succeed) or ERR_ID809
   uint8_t getEnrolledIDList(uint8_t* list);

   * @brief Capture fingerprint
   * @return 0(succeed) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t collectionFingerprint(uint16_t timeout);

   * @brief Save fingerprint
   * @param Fingerprint ID
   * @return 0(succeed) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t storeFingerprint(uint8_t ID);

   * @brief Delete fingerprint 
   * @param Finerprint ID or DELALL(delete all)
   * @return 0(succeed) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t delFingerprint(uint8_t ID);

   * @brief Match the fingerprint with all fingerprints
   * @return Successfully matched fingerprint ID, 0(Finerprint matching failed) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t search();

   * @brief Match the fingerprint with a designated fingerprint
   * @return Successfully matched fingerprint ID, 0(Finerprint matching failed) or ERR_ID809
  uint8_t verify(uint8_t ID);

   * @brief Get error information
   * @return Text description of error information
  String getErrorDescription();

Connection Diagram

Connection Diagram

Sample Code 1 - Get Module Information

Get and serial print the module information.

 * @file getDeviceInformation.ino
 * @brief Get fingerprint module information 
 * @details Experiment Phenomenon:serial print module ID, security level, baud rate, etc. 
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
 * @License     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [Eddard](
 * @version  V1.1
 * @date  2020-03-19
 * @url

#include <DFRobot_ID809_I2C.h>

DFRobot_ID809_I2C fingerprint;
//DFRobot_ID809_UART fingerprint(115200);
//String desc;

void setup(){
  /*Init print serial port */
  /*Take FPSerial as communication port of the module*/
  /*Wait for Serial to open*/
  /*Test whether device can communicate properly with mainboard 
    Return true or false
  while(fingerprint.isConnected() == false){
    Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
    /*Get error code information */
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

uint8_t enrollCount;   //Number of registered users 

void loop(){
  /*Set module ID, available range: 1-255*/
  //fingerprint.setDeviceID(/*Device ID = */1);
  Serial.print("Module ID:");
  /*Read module ID*/

  /*Set module security level, range 1-5. Default level: 3
    Security Level          Recognition rate 
      Level 1           FAR  0.1%
                        FRR  0.005%
      Level 2           FAR  0.003%
                        FRR  0 01%
      Level 3           FAR  0.001%
                        FRR  0.1%
      Level 4           FAR  0.003%
                        FRR  0.5%
      Level 5           FAR  0.0001%
                        FRR  1%
  //fingerprint.setSecurityLevel(/*Security Level = */3);
  Serial.print("Module security level:");
  /*Read module security level*/

  /*Set module baud rate, available range: 
    e9600bps    e19200bps   e38400bps   e57600bps    e115200bps
       1           2            3          4             5
  Serial.print("Module baud rate: ");
  /*Read module baud rate*/

  /*Set module self-learning function, 1(ON) 0(OFF)*/
  //fingerprint.setAutoLearn(/*Auto Learn = */1);
  Serial.print("Module self-learning function: ");
  /*Read the state of module self-learning function 
    Print ON if it is enabled, otherwise print OFF */

  /*Set module serial number, the number of characters of serial number should be small than 15 */
  //fingerprint.setModuleSN(/*Module SN = */"DFRobot");
  Serial.print("Module serial number:");
  /*Read module serial number */

  Serial.print("Number of registered fingerprints in the module:");
  /*Get the number of registered users */
  Serial.println(enrollCount = fingerprint.getEnrollCount());
  /*Declare an array to hold ID list */
  uint8_t list[80] = {0};
  /*Get user list 
  Serial.print("ID list of registered users: ");
  for(uint8_t i = 0; i < enrollCount; i++){

  Serial.print("\nNumber of broken fingerprints:");
  /*Get the number of broken fingerprints */
  /*Get the ID of the first broken fingerprint*/


SEN0348 Result2

Sample Code 2 - Add Fingerprints

This sample automatically obtains the registrable ID, then collects the fingerprint three times, the yellow light flashes three times successfully. At last, save the fingerprint to the acquired unregistered ID, the green light is on for 1s, and then turns off.

 * @file fingerprintRegistration.ino
 * @brief Fingerprint Acquisition and Saving 
 * @details This module can be controlled by hardware serial or software serial 
 * @n Experiment Phenomenon:auto retrieve unregistered ID, collect fingerprint 3 times.  
 * @n           In collecting, set LED ring to breathing lighting in blue, and then to quick blink in yellow 3 times when completed 
 * @n           At last, save the fingerprint in an unregistered ID, the green LED lights up for 1s and turns off. 
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
 * @License     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [Eddard](
 * @version  V1.1
 * @date  2020-03-19
 * @url

#include <DFRobot_ID809_I2C.h>

#define COLLECT_NUMBER 3  //Fingerprint sampling times, can be set to 2-3

DFRobot_ID809_I2C fingerprint;
//String desc;

void setup(){
  /*Init print serial port */
  /*Take FPSerial as communication port of the module*/
  /*Wait for Serial to open*/
  /*Test whether the device can communicate properly with mainboard 
    Return true or false
  while(fingerprint.isConnected() == false){
    Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

uint8_t ID,i,ret;

void loop(){
  /*Get an unregistered ID for saving fingerprint 
    Return ID when succeeded 
    Return ERR_ID809 if failed 
  if((ID = fingerprint.getEmptyID()) == ERR_ID809){
      /*Get error code information*/
      //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
  Serial.print("unresistered ID,ID=");
  i = 0;   //Clear sampling times 
  /*Fingerprint sampling 3 times*/
  while(i < COLLECT_NUMBER){
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring mode, color, and number of blinks 
      Can be set as follows: 
      Parameter 1:<LEDMode>
      eBreathing   eFastBlink   eKeepsOn    eNormalClose
      eFadeIn      eFadeOut     eSlowBlink   
      Parameter 2:<LEDColor>
      eLEDGreen  eLEDRed      eLEDYellow   eLEDBlue
      eLEDCyan   eLEDMagenta  eLEDWhite
      Parameter 3:<Number of blinks> 0 represents blinking all the time 
      This parameter will only be valid in mode eBreathing, eFastBlink, eSlowBlink
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eBreathing, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.print("The fingerprint sampling of the");
    Serial.println("(th) is being taken");
    Serial.println("Please press down your finger");
    /*Capture fingerprint image, 10s idle timeout 
      IF succeeded, return 0, otherwise, return ERR_ID809
    if((fingerprint.collectionFingerprint(/*timeout = */10)) != ERR_ID809){
      /*Set fingerprint LED ring to quick blink in yellow 3 times */
      fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDYellow, /*blinkCount = */3);
      Serial.println("Sampling succeeds");
      i++;   //Sampling times +1
      Serial.println("Sampling failed");
      /*Get error code information*/
      //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
    Serial.println("Please release your finger");
    /*Wait for finger to release 
      Return 1 when finger is detected, otherwise return 0 

  /*Save fingerprint in an unregistered ID */
  if(fingerprint.storeFingerprint(/*Empty ID = */ID) != ERR_ID809){
    Serial.print("Saving succeed,ID=");
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green */
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
    /*Turn off fingerprint LED ring */
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eNormalClose, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.println("Saving failed");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

SEN0348 Result3

Sample Code 3 - Fingerprint Matching

Collect the fingerprint image and compare it with the fingerprints in the fingerprint library. If the comparison succeeds, the green light will be on and the ID number will be printed. If it fails, the red light will be on and the matching failure will be prompted.

 * @file fingerprintMatching.ino
 * @brief Gather fingerprint and compare it with fingerprints in fingerprint library
 * @details Experiment Phenomenon:capture fingerprint image and compare it with all fingerprints in the fingerprint library
                If matched successfully, light up green LED and print ID number. Return 0 when failed.
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
 * @License     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [Eddard](
 * @version  V1.1
 * @date  2020-03-19
 * @url
#include <DFRobot_ID809_I2C.h>

DFRobot_ID809_I2C fingerprint;
//String desc;

void setup(){
  /*Init print serial port*/
  /*Take FPSerial as communication serial port of the fingerprint module*/
  /*Wait for Serial to open*/
  /*Test whether the device can properly communicate with mainboard
   Return true or false
  while(fingerprint.isConnected() == false){
    Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

void loop(){
  uint8_t ret = 0;
  /*Set fingerprint LED ring mode, color, and number of blinks
    Can be set as follows:
    Parameter 1:<LEDMode>
    eBreathing   eFastBlink   eKeepsOn    eNormalClose
    eFadeIn      eFadeOut     eSlowBlink   
    Parameter 2:<LEDColor>
    eLEDGreen  eLEDRed      eLEDYellow   eLEDBlue
    eLEDCyan   eLEDMagenta  eLEDWhite
    Parameter 3:<number of blinks> 0 represents blinking all the time
    This parameter will only be valid in mode eBreathing, eFastBlink, eSlowBlink
  fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eBreathing, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
  Serial.println("Please press down your finger");
  /*Capture fingerprint image, 10s idle timeout 
    If succeed return 0, otherwise return ERR_ID809
  if((fingerprint.collectionFingerprint(/*timeout=*/10)) != ERR_ID809){
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to quick blink in yellow 3 times*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDYellow, /*blinkCount = */3);
    Serial.println("Capturing succeeds");
    Serial.println("Capturing fails");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
  Serial.println("Please release your finger");
  /*Wait for finger to release
    Return 1 when finger is detected, otherwise return 0 

  /*Compare the captured fingerprint with all the fingerprints in the fingerprint library 
    Return fingerprint ID(1-80) if succeed, return 0 when failed 
  ret =;
  /*Compare the captured fingerprint with a fingerprint of specific ID 
    Return fingerprint ID(1-80) if succeed, return 0 when failed 
  //ret = fingerprint.verify(/*Fingerprint ID = */1);  
  if(ret != 0){
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green */
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.print("Matching succeeds,ID=");
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in red*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDRed, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.println("Matching fails");

SEN0348 Result4

Sample Code 4 - Fingerprint Deletion

Run the codes, press your finger on the sensor to delete your fingerprint.

 * @file fingerprintDeletion.ino
 * @brief Delete a specific fingerprint 
 * @details Experiment phenomenon:press your finger on the sensor, if this fingerprint is registered, delete it and LED turns on in green. 
      If it is unregistered or fingerprint collection fails, LED light turns on in red.
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
 * @License     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [Eddard](
 * @version  V1.1
 * @date  2020-03-19
 * @url
#include <DFRobot_ID809_I2C.h>

DFRobot_ID809_I2C fingerprint;
//String desc;

void setup(){
  /*Init print serial port*/
  /*Take FPSerial as communication serial port of the fingerprint module*/
  /*Wait for Serial to open*/
  /*Test whether the device can properly communicate with mainboard
    Return true or false
  while(fingerprint.isConnected() == false){
    Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

void loop(){
  uint8_t ret = 0;
  Serial.println("Press your finger on the sensor to delete the fingerprint");
  /*Set fingerprint LED ring mode, color, and number of blinks 
    Can be set as follows: 
    Parameter 1:<LEDMode>
    eBreathing   eFastBlink   eKeepsOn    eNormalClose
    eFadeIn      eFadeOut     eSlowBlink   
    Parameter 2:<LEDColor>
    eLEDGreen  eLEDRed      eLEDYellow   eLEDBlue
    eLEDCyan   eLEDMagenta  eLEDWhite
    Parameter 3:<Number of blinks> 0 represents blinking all the time 
    This parameter will only be valid in mode eBreathing, eFastBlink, eSlowBlink
  fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eBreathing, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
  /*Capture fingerprint image, 10s idle timeout 
    If succeed return 0, otherwise return ERR_ID809
  if((fingerprint.collectionFingerprint(/*timeout=*/10)) != ERR_ID809){
    /*Compare the captured fingerprint with all the fingerprints in the fingerprint library 
      Return fingerprint ID(1-80) if succeed, return 0 when failed 
    ret =;
    if(ret != 0){
      /*Delete the fingerprint of this ID*/
      fingerprint.delFingerprint(/*Fingerprint ID = */ret);
      //fingerprint.delFingerprint(DELALL);  //Delete all fingerprints 
      Serial.print("delete succeeds,ID=");
      /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green */
      fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
      Serial.println("Fingerprint is unregistered");
      /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in red*/
      fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDRed, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.println("Capturing fails");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in red*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDRed, /*blinkCount = */0);
  Serial.println("Please release your finger");
  /*Wait for finger to release
    Return 1 when finger is detected, otherwise return 0 
    /*Check whether the fingerprint ID has been registered 
    Return 1 if registered, otherwise return 0 
//  if(fingerprint.getStatusID(/*Fingerprint ID = */ret)){
//    Serial.println("ID has been registered");
//  }else{
//    Serial.println("ID is unregistered");
//  }

SEN0348 Result5

Sample Code 5 - Comprehensive Examples

This example is a comprehensive application of fingerprint module, in which the module will enter into different modes according to the length of finger pressing time. When a finger pressed down, the blue light flashes 3 times to enter the fingerprint comparison mode; the yellow light flashes 3 times to enter the fingerprint registration mode; the red light flashes 3 times to enter the fingerprint deletion mode to delete the fingerprint. This experiment needs to connect IRQ pin to D6.

 * @file comprehensiveExample.ino
 * @brief Comprehensive Example 
 * @details This module can be controlled by hardware serial or software serial. Pin IRQ should be connected to D6 in this experiment. 
 * @n Experiment Phenomenon:when finger press down, the blue LED blinks quickly 3 times, which means it enters fingerprint 
 * @n comparison mode.
 * @n                        The yellow LED blinks quickly 3 times for entering fingerprint registration mode
 * @n                        The red LED blinks quickly 3 times for entering fingerprint deletion mode, and delete this fringerprint
 * @n                        Enter sleep mode when idle for 5 seconds 
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
 * @license     The MIT license (MIT)
 * @author [Eddard](
 * @version  V1.1
 * @date  2020-03-19
 * @url

#include <DFRobot_ID809_I2C.h>

#define COLLECT_NUMBER 3  //Fingerprint sampling times, can be set to 1-3
#define IRQ         6  //IRQ pin 

DFRobot_ID809_I2C fingerprint;
//String desc;

void setup(){
  /*Init print serial port*/
  /*Take FPSerial as communication serial port of the fingerprint module*/
  /*Wait for Serial to open*/
  /*Test whether the device can properly communicate with mainboard
    Return true or false
  while(fingerprint.isConnected() == false){
    Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

//Blue LED Comparison mode  Yellow LED Registration mode  Red Deletion mode 
void loop(){
    uint16_t i = 0;
    /*Capture fingerprint image, 5s idle timeout 
      Return 0 if succeed, otherwise return ERR_ID809
    if((fingerprint.collectionFingerprint(/*timeout=*/5)) != ERR_ID809){
      /*Get the time finger pressed down*/
      /*Set fingerprint LED ring mode, color, and number of blinks 
        Can be set as follows:
        Parameter 1:<LEDMode>
        eBreathing   eFastBlink   eKeepsOn    eNormalClose
        eFadeIn      eFadeOut     eSlowBlink   
        Paramerer 2:<LEDColor>
        eLEDGreen  eLEDRed      eLEDYellow   eLEDBlue
        eLEDCyan   eLEDMagenta  eLEDWhite
        Parameter 3:<number of blinks> 0 represents blinking all the time
        This parameter will only be valid in mode eBreathing, eFastBlink, eSlowBlink
      fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */3);  //blue LED blinks quickly 3 times, means it's in fingerprint comparison mode now
      /*Wait for finger to relase */
        if(i == 15){             //Yellow LED blinks quickly 3 times, means it's in fingerprint regisrtation mode now
          /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in yellow*/
          fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDYellow, /*blinkCount = */3);
        }else if(i == 30){      //Red LED blinks quickly 3 times, means it's in fingerprint deletion mode now 
          /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in red*/
          fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDRed, /*blinkCount = */3);
    if(i == 0){
      /*Fingerprint capturing failed*/
    }else if(i > 0 && i < 15){
      Serial.println("Enter fingerprint comparison mode");
      /*Compare fingerprints*/
    }else if(i >= 15 && i < 30){
      Serial.println("Enter fingerprint registration mode");
      /*Registrate fingerprint*/
      Serial.println("Enter fingerprint deletion mode");
      /*Delete this fingerprint*/

//Compare fingerprints
void fingerprintMatching(){
  /*Compare the captured fingerprint with all fingerprints in the fingerprint library
    Return fingerprint ID number(1-80) if succeed, return 0 when failed
  uint8_t ret =;
  if(ret != 0){
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.print("Successfully matched,ID=");
    /*Set fingerprint LED Ring to always ON in red*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDRed, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.println("Matching failed");
  /*Turn off fingerprint LED Ring*/
  fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eNormalClose, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);

//Fingerprint Registration
void fingerprintRegistration(){
  uint8_t ID,i;
  /*Compare the captured fingerprint with all fingerprints in the fingerprint library
    Return fingerprint ID number(1-80) if succeed, return 0 when failed
    Function: clear the last captured fingerprint image
   */;       //Can add "if else" statement to judge whether the fingerprint has been registered. 
  /*Get a unregistered ID for saving fingerprint 
    Return ID number when succeed 
    Return ERR_ID809 if failed
  if((ID = fingerprint.getEmptyID()) == ERR_ID809){
      /*Get error code imformation*/
      //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
  Serial.print("Unregistered ID,ID=");
  i = 0;   //Clear sampling times 
  /*Fingerprint Sampling 3 times */
  while(i < COLLECT_NUMBER){
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to breathing lighting in blue*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eBreathing, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.print("The fingerprint sampling of the");
    Serial.println("(th) time is being taken");
    Serial.println("Please press down your finger");
    /*Capture fingerprint image, 10s idle timeout 
      If succeed return 0, otherwise return ERR_ID809
    if((fingerprint.collectionFingerprint(/*timeout = */10)) != ERR_ID809){
      /*Set fingerprint LED ring to quick blink in yellow 3 times*/
      fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDYellow, /*blinkCount = */3);
      Serial.println("Capturing succeeds");
      i++;   //Sampling times +1 
      Serial.println("Capturing fails");
      /*Get error code information*/
      //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
    Serial.println("Please release your finger");
    /*Wait for finger to release
      Return 1 when finger is detected, otherwise return 0 

  /*Save fingerprint information into an unregistered ID*/
  if(fingerprint.storeFingerprint(/*Empty ID = */ID) != ERR_ID809){
    Serial.print("Saving succeed,ID=");
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
    /*Turn off fingerprint LED ring */
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eNormalClose, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.println("Saving failed");
    /*Get error code information*/
    //desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();

//Fingerprint deletion
void fingerprintDeletion(){
  uint8_t ret;
  /*Compare the captured fingerprint with all the fingerprints in the fingerprint library 
    Return fingerprint ID(1-80) if succeed, return 0 when failed 
  ret =;
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.print("deleted fingerprint,ID=");
    /*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in red*/
    fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDRed, /*blinkCount = */0);
    Serial.println("Matching failed or the fingerprint hasn't been registered");
  /*Turn off fingerprint LED ring*/
  fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eNormalClose, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);

SEN0348 Result6


Q1: I was able to scan the sensor address using the I2C scanner, but was unable to initialise the sensor after uploading the sample code.

A1: If you installed the library from the Arduino IDE library manager, please remove it completely and download the library from this GitHub repo. And include the .zip library.

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