H3LIS200DL Triple Axis Accelerometer, a low-power liner accelerometer with low noise and large scale ranges, features ultra-low-power operational modes that can realize smart sleep to wake-up function that allows advanced power saving. Moreover, as this sensor comes with two built-in independent programmable interrupt generators, users can generate a custom interrupt to wake up interrupt. Besides, it has a selectable range scale of ±100 g or ±200 g, capable of measuring acceleration at output data rates from 0.5 Hz to 1 kHz.
- Selectable scale: ±100 g/±200 g
- Two independent peogrammable interrupts
- Smart sleep to wake-up function that allows advanced power saving
- Operating Voltage: 3.3 V
- Operating Current: minimum 10 μA (low-power mode) / 0.3 mA-0.4 mA (normal mode)
- Interface: I2C/SPI
- I2C Address: 0×19 (Default) / 0×18 (Optional)
- Selectable Scale: ±100 g / ±200 g
- Frequency: 0.5Hz ~ 1KHz
- 8-bit data output
- Wake-up function
- 10 thousand grams of high impact resistance
- ECOPACK®RoHS and “Green” compliant
- Operating Temperature: -40 °C ~ ﹢85 °C
- Module Size: 15 × 20 mm/ 0.59 × 0.78"
- Mounting Hole Size: Inner diameter 3.1 mm (0.12") /Outer diameter 6 mm (0.24")
- Free Fall Detection
- Impact Detection and Recording
Board Overview
Num | Label | Description |
1 | VCC | 3V3 |
2 | GND | GND |
3 | SCL | I2C/SPI Clock Line |
4 | SDA | I2C/SPI Data Line |
5 | INT2 | Interrupt Pin 2 |
6 | INT1 | Interrupt Pin 1 |
7 | CS | SPI chip-select line |
8 | SDO | I2C Address Select Pin/SPI Data Line |
- The I2C address of micro:bit (v1.5 version) conflicts with the sensor I2C address 0×19, so please select 0×18
- Pull down the SDO pin to switch the I2C address: 0×18
Connections for different communication methods:
- I2C: 0×19 (Default)
- I2C: 0×18
- Interrupt pin connection
Mainboard | Default connected pin |
UNO/MEGA2560 | D2 |
Leonardo | D3 |
Micro:bit | P0 |
Raspberry Pi | GPIO25 |
Tutorial for M0
Connect your sensor to an M0 controller (or others) according to the connection diagram below

- Hardware
- Firebeetle Board-M0 × 1
- H3LIS200DL Triple Axis Accelerometer × 1
- Jumper wires
- Software
- Arduino IDE
- Download and install the LIS Series Library and Sample Code. (About how to install the library?)
Sample Code
API Function List
* @brief Initialize the function
* @return true(Succeed)/false(Failed)
bool begin(void);
* @brief Get chip id
* @return 8 bit serial number
uint8_t getID();
* @brief Enable interrupt
* @param source Interrupt pin selection
eINT1 = 0,/<int1 >/
* @param event Interrupt event selection
eXLowerThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is less than the threshold>/
eXHigherThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is greater than the threshold>/
eYLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is less than the threshold>/
eYHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is greater than the threshold>/
eZLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is less than the threshold>/
eZHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is greater than the threshold>/
void enableInterruptEvent(eInterruptSource_t source, eInterruptEvent_t event);
* @brief Set measurement range
* @param range Range(g)
eH3lis200dl_100g, //±100g
eH3lis200dl_200g, //±200g
eLis331hh_6g = 6,//±6g
eLis331hh_12g = 12 //±12g
eLis331hh_24g = 24 //±24g
@return true(Set successfully)/false(Set failed)
bool setRange(eRange_t range);
* @brief Set data measurement rate
* @param rate rate(HZ)
ePowerDown_0HZ //Measurement off
eLowPower_halfHZ //0.5 hz
void setAcquireRate(ePowerMode_t rate);
* @brief Set data filtering mode
* @param mode Four modes
eCutOffMode1 = 0,
eShutDown, no filering
eg: Select eCutOffMode1 in 50HZ, and the filtered frequency is 1HZ
*|---------------------------High-pass filter cut-off frequency configuration-----------------------------|
*| | ft [Hz] | ft [Hz] | ft [Hz] | ft [Hz] |
*| mode |Data rate = 50 Hz| Data rate = 100 Hz | Data rate = 400 Hz | Data rate = 1000 Hz |
*| eCutOffMode1 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 20 |
*| eCutOffMode2 | 0.5 | 1 | 4 | 10 |
*| eCutOffMode3 | 0.25 | 0.5 | 2 | 5 |
*| eCutOffMode4 | 0.125 | 0.25 | 1 | 2.5 |
void setHFilterMode(eHighPassFilter_t mode);
* @brief Set the threshold of interrupt source 1 interrupt
* @param threshold The threshold we set before is within measurement range(unit:g)
void setInt1Th(uint8_t threshold);
* @brief Set interrupt source 2 interrupt generation threshold
* @param threshold The threshold we set before is within measurement range(unit:g)
void setInt2Th(uint8_t threshold);
* @brief Enable sleep wake function
* @param enable true(enable)\false(disable)
* @return false Indicate enable failed/true Indicate enable successful
bool enableSleep(bool enable);
* @brief Check whether the interrupt event'event' is generated in interrupt 1
* @param event Interrupt event
eXLowerThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is less than the threshold>/
eXHigherThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is greater than the threshold>/
eYLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is less than the threshold>/
eYHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is greater than the threshold>/
eZLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is less than the threshold>/
eZHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is greater than the threshold>/
* @return true This event generated
false This event not generated
bool getInt1Event(eInterruptEvent_t event);
* @brief Check whether the interrupt event'event' is generated in interrupt 2
* @param event Interrupt event
eXLowerThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is less than the threshold>/
eXHigherThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is greater than the threshold>/
eYLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is less than the threshold>/
eYHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is greater than the threshold>/
eZLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is less than the threshold>/
eZHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is greater than the threshold>/
* @return true This event generated
false This event not generated
bool getInt2Event(eInterruptEvent_t event);
* @brief Get the acceleration in the x direction
* @return acceleration from x
int32_t readAccX();
* @brief Get the acceleration in the y direction
* @return acceleration from y
int32_t readAccY();
* @brief Get the acceleration in the z direction
* @return acceleration from z
int32_t readAccZ();
* @brief Get the acceleration in the three directions of xyz
* @param accx Store the variable of acceleration in x direction
* @param accy Store the variable of acceleration in y direction
* @param accz Store the variable of acceleration in z direction
* @return true(Get data successfully/false(Data not ready)
bool getAcceFromXYZ(int32_t &accx,int32_t &accy,int32_t &accz);
* @brief Get whether the sensor is in sleep mode
* @return true(In sleep mode)/false(In normal mode)
bool getSleepState();
* @brief Set the sleep state flag
* @param into true(Flag the current mode as sleep mode)
false(Flag the current mode as normal mode)
void setSleepFlag(bool into);
Sample Code 1 - Read acceleration of x, y and z(getAcceleration.ino)
- Select getAcceleration.ino
- Program Burning
* @file getAcceleration.ino
* @brief Get the acceleration in the three directions of xyz, the range can be ±100g or ±200g
* @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of macro H3LIS200DL_CS
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
* @licence The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [fengli](
* @version V1.0
* @date 2021-01-16
* @get from
* @
#include <DFRobot_LIS.h>
//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C
* @brief Constructor
* @param pWire I2c controller
* @param addr I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C acce;
//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS 2 //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
* @brief Constructor
* @param cs Chip selection pinChip selection pin
* @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_SPI acce(/*cs = */H3LIS200DL_CS);
void setup(void){
//Chip initialization
Serial.println("Initialization failed, please check the connection and I2C address settings");
//Get chip id
Serial.print("chip id : ");
set range:Range(g)
eH3lis200dl_100g,/< ±100g>/
eH3lis200dl_200g,/< ±200g>/
acce.setRange(/*Range = */DFRobot_LIS::eH3lis200dl_100g);
Set data measurement rate:
ePowerDown_0HZ = 0,
acce.setAcquireRate(/*Rate = */DFRobot_LIS::eNormal_50HZ);
void loop(void){
//Get the acceleration in the three directions of xyz
long ax,ay,az;
//The measurement range can be ±100g or ±200g set by the setRange() function
ax = acce.readAccX();//Get the acceleration in the x direction
ay = acce.readAccY();//Get the acceleration in the y direction
az = acce.readAccZ();//Get the acceleration in the z direction
//acce.getAcceFromXYZ(/*accx = */ax,/*accy = */ay,/*accz = */az);//The second method to obtain acceleration in three directions
//Print acceleration
Serial.print("x: ");
Serial.print(" g\t y: ");
Serial.print(" g\t z: ");
Serial.println(" g");
Sample Code 2 - Wakeup Function (wakeUp.ino)
- Select wakeUp.ino
- Program Burnning
* @file wakeUp.ino
* @brief Use wake-up function
* @n Phenomenon: To use this function, you need to turn the module into low-power mode first, and the measurement rate will be
* @n very slow at this time. When an interrupt event set up before occurs, the module will enter normal mode, in which the measurement rate
* @n will be accelerated to save power and provide sampling rate.
* @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of macro H3LIS200DL_CS.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
* @licence The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [fengli](
* @version V1.0
* @date 2021-01-16
* @get from
* @
#include <DFRobot_LIS.h>
//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C
* @brief Constructor
* @param pWire I2c controller
* @param addr I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C acce;
//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS 2 //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
* @brief Constructor
* @param cs : Chip selection pinChip selection pin
* @param spi :SPI controller
//DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_SPI acce(/*cs = */H3LIS200DL_CS);
//Interrupt generation flag
volatile bool intFlag = false;
void interEvent(){
intFlag = true;
void setup(void){
//Chip initialization
Serial.println("Initialization failed, please check the connection and I2C address settings");
//Get chip id
Serial.print("chip id : ");
set range:Range(g)
eH3lis200dl_100g,/< ±100g>/
eH3lis200dl_200g,/< ±200g>/
acce.setRange(/*Range = */DFRobot_LIS::eH3lis200dl_100g);
“sleep to wake-up” need to put the chip in low power mode first
Set data measurement rate:
ePowerDown_0HZ = 0,
acce.setAcquireRate(/*Rate = */DFRobot_LIS::eLowPower_halfHZ);
Set the threshold of interrupt source 1 interrupt
acce.setInt1Th(/*Threshold = */6);
//Enable sleep wake function
Enable interrupt
Interrupt pin selection:
eINT1 = 0,/<int1 >/
Interrupt event selection:
eXLowerThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is less than the threshold>/
eXHigherThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is greater than the threshold>/
eYLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is less than the threshold>/
eYHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is greater than the threshold>/
eZLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is less than the threshold>/
eZHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is greater than the threshold>/
acce.enableInterruptEvent(/*int pin*/DFRobot_LIS::eINT1,/*interrupt event = */DFRobot_LIS::eZHigherThanTh);
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)||defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(D6)/*Query the interrupt number of the D6 pin*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
/* The Correspondence Table of AVR Series Arduino Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | | DigitalPin | 2 | 3 | |
* | Uno, Nano, Mini, other 328-based |--------------------------------------------|
* | | Interrupt No | 0 | 1 | |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* | | Pin | 2 | 3 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 |
* | Mega2560 |--------------------------------------------|
* | | Interrupt No | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* | | Pin | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 7 | |
* | Leonardo, other 32u4-based |--------------------------------------------|
* | | Interrupt No | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
* |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* The Correspondence Table of micro:bit Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | micro:bit | DigitalPin |P0-P20 can be used as an external interrupt |
* | (When using as an external interrupt, |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* |no need to set it to input mode with pinMode)|Interrupt No|Interrupt number is a pin digital value, such as P0 interrupt number 0, P1 is 1 |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
attachInterrupt(/*Interrupt No*/0,interEvent,CHANGE);//Enable the external interrupt 0, connect INT1/2 to the digital pin of the main control:
//UNO(2), Mega2560(2), Leonardo(3), microbit(P0).
void loop(void){
//Get the acceleration in the three directions of xyz
//The mearsurement range is ±100g or ±200g, set by setRange() function.
Serial.print("Acceleration x: ");
Serial.print(" g \ty: ");
Serial.print(" g \tz: ");
Serial.println(" g");
if(intFlag == 1){
Serial.println("wake up");
intFlag = 0;
Sample Code 3 - External Interrupt Function (interrupt.ino)
- Select interrupt.ino
- Program Burning
* @file interrupt.ino
* @brief Interrupt detection
* @n In this example, the enable eZHigherThanTh interrupt event means when the acceleration in the Z direction exceeds the
* @n threshold set by the program, the interrupt level can be detected on the interrupt pin int1/int2 we set, and the level change on the
* @n interrupt pin can be used to determine whether the interrupt occurs. The following are the 6 settable interrupt events:eXHigherThanTh,
* @n eXLowerThanTh, eYHigherThanTh, eYLowerThanTh, eZHigherThanTh, eZLowerThanTh. For a detailed explanation of each of them,
* @n please look up the comments of the enableInterruptEvent() function.
* @n This example needs to connect the int2/int1 pin of the module to the interrupt pin of the motherboard. Default UNO(2), Mega2560(2),
* @n Leonardo(3), microbit(P0),FireBeetle-ESP8266(D6),FireBeetle-ESP32((D6),FireBeetle-M0(6)
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
* @licence The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [fengli](
* @version V1.0
* @date 2021-01-16
* @get from
* @
#include <DFRobot_LIS.h>
//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C
* @brief Constructor
* @param pWire I2c controller
* @param addr I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_I2C acce;
//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define H3LIS200DL_CS 2 //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
* @brief Constructor
* @param cs : Chip selection pinChip selection pin
* @param spi :SPI controller
//DFRobot_H3LIS200DL_SPI acce(/*cs = */H3LIS200DL_CS);
//Interrupt generation flag
volatile bool intFlag = false;
void interEvent(){
intFlag = true;
void setup(void){
//Chip initialization
Serial.println("Initialization failed, please check the connection and I2C address settings");
//Get chip id
Serial.print("chip id : ");
set range:Range(g)
eH3lis200dl_100g,/< ±100g>/
eH3lis200dl_200g,/< ±200g>/
acce.setRange(/*Range = */DFRobot_LIS::eH3lis200dl_100g);
Set data measurement rate:
ePowerDown_0HZ = 0,
acce.setAcquireRate(/*Rate = */DFRobot_LIS::eNormal_50HZ);
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
//The D6 pin is used as the interrupt pin by default, and other non-conflicting pins can also be selected as the external interrupt pin.
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(D6)/*Query the interrupt number of the D6 pin*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
//The pin 5 is used as the interrupt pin by default, and other non-conflicting pins can also be selected as the external interrupt pin.
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(5)/*Query the interrupt number of the pin 5*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
/* The Correspondence Table of AVR Series Arduino Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | | DigitalPin | 2 | 3 | |
* | Uno, Nano, Mini, other 328-based |--------------------------------------------|
* | | Interrupt No | 0 | 1 | |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* | | Pin | 2 | 3 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 |
* | Mega2560 |--------------------------------------------|
* | | Interrupt No | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* | | Pin | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 7 | |
* | Leonardo, other 32u4-based |--------------------------------------------|
* | | Interrupt No | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
* |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* The Correspondence Table of micro:bit Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | micro:bit | DigitalPin |P0-P20 can be used as an external interrupt |
* | (When using as an external interrupt, |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* |no need to set it to input mode with pinMode)|Interrupt No|Interrupt number is a pin digital value, such as P0 interrupt number 0, P1 is 1 |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
attachInterrupt(/*Interrupt No*/0,interEvent,CHANGE);//Open the external interrupt 0, connect INT1/2 to the digital pin of the main control:
//UNO(2), Mega2560(2), Leonardo(3), microbit(P0).
Set the threshold of interrupt source 1 interrupt
acce.setInt1Th(/*Threshold = */6);//Unit: g
Enable interrupt
Interrupt pin selection:
eINT1 = 0,/<int1 >/
Interrupt event selection:
eXLowerThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is less than the threshold>/
eXHigherThanTh ,/<The acceleration in the x direction is greater than the threshold>/
eYLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is less than the threshold>/
eYHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the y direction is greater than the threshold>/
eZLowerThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is less than the threshold>/
eZHigherThanTh,/<The acceleration in the z direction is greater than the threshold>/
acce.enableInterruptEvent(/*int pin*/DFRobot_LIS::eINT1,/*interrupt event = */DFRobot_LIS::eZHigherThanTh);
void loop(void){
//Get the acceleration in the three directions of xyz
//The mearsurement range is ±100g or ±200g, set by setRange() function.
Serial.print("Acceleration x: ");
Serial.print(" g \ty: ");
Serial.print(" g \tz: ");
Serial.println(" g");
//The interrupt flag is set
if(intFlag == true){
//Check whether the interrupt event is generated in interrupt 1
Serial.println("The acceleration in the y direction is greater than the threshold");
Serial.println("The acceleration in the z direction is greater than the threshold");
Serial.println("The acceleration in the x direction is greater than the threshold");
intFlag = false;
Tutorial for Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi 4B (or similar) × 1
- H3LIS200DL Triple Axis Acce Accelerometer × 1
- Jumper wires
Download and install the LIS Series Python Library.
- Connect the module to the Raspberry Pi according to the connection diagram. The default I2C address is 0x19
Driver Installtion
1.Enable the I2C interface of the Raspberry Pi. If it is already enabled, you can skip this step. Open Terminal, type the following command, and press Enter:
sudo raspi-config
Then use the up and down keys to select "5 Interfacing Options", press Enter, select "P5 I2C", and press Enter to confirm "YES". Restart the Raspberry Pi main control board.
2.To install Python dependent libraries and git, the Raspberry Pi needs to be connected to the Internet. If it is already installed, you can skip this step. In the terminal, type the following commands in sequence, and press Enter:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-smbus git
3.Download the LIS series driver library. In the terminal, type the following commands in sequence and press Enter:
cd Desktop
git clone
Sample code
- Sample code 1-Read acceleration of x, y and z(
- Sample code 2-Wakeup function(
- Sample code 3-External interrupt dunction(
Sample code 1-Read acceleration of x, y and z(
- In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter, run the sample code:
cd DFRobot_LIS/python/raspberrypi/examples/H3LIS200DL
cd get_acceleration
The result of shaking the sensor is shown in the figure
Note: If the situation as shown in the picture below appears, please check whether the I2C address is correct.
Sample code 2-Wakeup function( (Only available for Breakout Version)
- In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter, run the sample code:
cd /home/pi/Desktop/DFRobot_LIS/Python/raspberrypi/examples/H3LIS200DL
cd wake_up
Sample code 3-External Interrupt Function(
- In the terminal, type the following command and press Enter, run the sample code:
cd /home/pi/Desktop/DFRobot_LIS/Python/raspberrypi/examples/H3LIS200DL
cd interrupt
For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum.