The HCR Mobile Robot Kit is a two wheel drive mobile robot platform which has three levels included (if you want, you can use only the parts you need, or make a two level robot). The kit includes two motors, 2 wheels (and one rotating third wheel) and all associated plates and hardware. The supports include spaces for servos and sensors and the base has holes specifically for mini-itx motherboards.
- Aluminum power-coated orange
- Two 17w DC motors with 64:1 Gearbox 120 rpm
- Two (2 Phases) encoders with 12 PPR
- 2 wheels (and one rotating third wheel)
- Associated plates and hardware
- Three bumper sensors
- Five Sharp GP2D12 infrared sensors
- Romeo Controller board (Arduino compatible)
- Weight: 5.2kg
- Dimensions: 34.2cmx31.3cmx26.6cm
DC Motor Specification
- Model: Faulhaber 2342L012
- Working voltage: 12V
- No load speed:8100RPM
- RPM :120RPM
- Diameter:30mm
- Length:42mm
- Nominal output power:17W
- No load current: 75mA
- Load current:1400mA
- Gearbox ratio:66:1
- Encoders:Optical
- Encoder Phase:AB
- Encoder Resolution:12CPR
Encoder Connection Diagram V1
Encoder Connection Diagram V2

For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum.