Laser Ranging Distance Sensor UART 4cm-4m Wiki - DFRobot


This laser range sensor can be used to detect objects in 4~400cm with ±2cm accuracy. With 3 measurement modes supported, it is well applicable to various detection scenarios like security gate detection, access control systems, security alarm devices, smart trash cans, smart cars or robots for obstacle avoidance.
The sensor metal black shell adopts a threaded barrel design and its probe comes with an optical cover. The integrated design makes the product able to effectively filter optical interference, waterproof and shockproof. The sensor uses invisible laser and there is a voltage regulator circuit inside the module. Featuring stable performance and UART output, the sensor has an alarm output line that will be triggered to output Low steadily when the measurement distance is smaller than the user-set threshold.

Note: The data will be unstable when measuring black objects.


Dimension Figure

Board Overview

Label Name Description
Red VCC 6-36V power supply
Green RX UART receiving data line
Yellow TX UART transmitting data line line
Black GND Power ground
White ALARM Police connection line



Usage for Arduino

Connection Diagram

Sample Code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(12, 13); //Define soft serial port, port 13 is TX, port 12 is RX
uint8_t Data[34] = {0};

void setup()

void loop()

  int Distance = readD(Data);
  if (Distance >= 0) {
    Serial.print("Distance: "); Serial.print(Distance); Serial.println(" mm");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Invalid data");

int readD(uint8_t *buf)
  int d;
  char *p = strstr(buf, "Range Valid");
  if (p != 0) {
    d = atoi(&Data[25]);
    return d;
  } else {
    return -1;

void readData(uint8_t *buf)
  bool flag = 0;
  uint8_t ch;
  while (!flag) {
    if (readN(&ch, 1) == 1) {
      if (ch == 'S') {
        Data[0] = ch;
        if (readN(&ch, 1) == 1) {
          if (ch == 't') {
            Data[1] = ch;
            if (readN(&ch, 1) == 1) {
              if (ch == 'a') {
                Data[2] = ch;
                if (readN(&Data[3], 30) == 30 && Data[31] == 'm' && Data[32] == 'm') {
                  flag = 1;
int readN(uint8_t *buf, size_t len)
  size_t offset = 0, left = len;
  long curr = millis();
  while (left) {
    if (mySerial.available()) {
      buf[offset++] =;
    if (millis() - curr > 500) {
  return offset;

Usage for Serial Port Assistant

Connection Diagram

Turn the mode of 6-in-1 multi-function to serial port module to USB to TTL, as shown below:

Mode Dial code 1 (USB) Dial code 2 (485) Switch S1 Diagram
USB to TTL ON OFF Down (232-485)

Connect the sensor to 6-in-1 multi-function module, then plug the module into the usb port of computer, open the serial assistant, select Baud rate 1152000, untick HEX display and open the serial port, it will directly output distance value as shown below.

Register Table

Register name Register address Command Description
System recovery 0x00 MODADDR 06 00 00 00 01 CRCH CRCL Write 0x01, the sensor restores the default setting
Alarm threshold 0x02 MODADDR 06 00 03MH ML CRCH CRCL MH alarm threshold high bit, ML alarm threshold low bit, threshold setting range 40~4000mm
Baud rate setting 0x04 MODADDR 06 00 04 00 00 CRCH CRCL Write 0x00, baud rate 2400
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 01 CRCH CRCL Write 0x01, baud rate 4800
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 02 CRCH CRCL Write 0x02, the baud rate is 9600
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 03 CRCH CRCL Write 0x03, the baud rate is 19200
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 04 CRCH CRCL Write 0x04, the baud rate is 38400
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 05 CRCH CRCL Write 0x05, baud rate 57600
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 06 CRCH CRCL Write 0x06, baud rate 115200
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 07 CRCH CRCL Write 0x07, baud rate 230400
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 08 CRCH CRCL Write 0x08, baud rate 460800
MODADDR 06 00 04 00 09 CRCH CRCL Write 0x09, the baud rate is 921600
Timing preset time (not recommended to modify, default 200MS) 0x07 MODADDR 06 00 07 TIMEBUDGETH TIMEBUDGET: 20-1000 ms, can be changed to 0x0014-0x03e8
Measurement interval (not recommended to modify, default 50MS) 0x08 MODADDR 06 00 08 PERIODH PERIODL CRCH CRCL PERIOD :1-1000 ms, can be changed to 0x0001-0x03e8
ID setting 0x1A MODADDR 06 00 1a 00 MODADDRL CRCH CRCL Can write 0x00~0xFE
Measurement data 0x34 MODADDR 03 00 34 00 01 CRCH CRCL Read, the upper 8 bits of the distance to the lower 8 bits of the distance
Output state 0x35 MODADDR 03 00 35 00 01 CRCH CRCL Read: 0x07, sensor No Update
Read: 0x00, Sensor Range Valid
Read: 0x01,Sensor Sigma Fail
Read: 0x02, Sensor Signal Fail
Read: 0x03, Sensor Min Range Fail
Read: 0x04, Sensor Phase Fail
Read: 0x05, Sensor Hardware Fail
Measurement mode 0x36 MODADDR 06 00 36 00 01 CRCH CRCL Write 0x01, short distance (up to 1.3m, better environmental immunity)
MODADDR 06 00 36 00 02 CRCH CRCL Write 0x02, middle distance (up to 3 meters)
MODADDR 06 00 36 00 03 CRCH CRCL Write 0x03, long distance mode (up to 4 meters)
Calibration mode 0x37 MODADDR 06 00 37 00 04 CRCH CRCL Write 0x04 to enter the calibration state
MODADDR 03 00 37 00 01 CRCH CRCL Read: 0x01, start calibration
MODADDR 03 00 37 00 02 CRCH CRCL Read: 0x02, calibration failed
MODADDR 03 00 37 00 03 CRCH CRCL Read: 0x03, calibration is complete


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