Fermion: SHTC3 Humidity & Temperature Sensor Wiki - DFRobot


The SHTC3 digital humidity sensor from Sensirion builds on the success of the proven SHTC1 sensor and offers consistent high accuracy within measuring range. The sensor covers a humidity measurement range of 0 to 100%RH and a temperature detection range of -40°C to 125°C with a typical accuracy of ±2%RH and ±0.2℃. The board supply voltage of 3.3V to 5V and an current consumption below 0.15mA in low power mode make the SHTC3 perfectly suitable for mobile or wireless battery-driven applications.




Board Overview

NO. Silkscreen Function
1 VCC Positive Pole
2 GND Negative Pole
3 SCL I2C ClockLine
4 SDA I2C Data Line



   * @brief  初始化Wire,并且对传感器进行软件复位,然后使传感器进入睡眠状态,需要使用时,在对其进行唤醒。
  void begin();

   * @brief  获取温度数据
   * @return 温度值,单位:摄氏度
  float getTemperature();

   * @brief  获取湿度数据
   * @return 湿度值,单位:%RH
  float getHumidity();

   * @brief  获取温湿度数据
   * @param   tem  存放温度数据的引用
   * @param   hum  存放湿度数据的引用
  void  getTemHum(float &tem, float &hum);

   * @brief  设置传感器工作模式
   * @param  mode  传感器的工作模式
   * @n            SHTC3:
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_CLKSTRETCH_ON                              Clock Stretching Enabled 
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_CLKSTRETCH_OFF                             Clock Stretching Disabled 
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_CLKSTRETCH_ON                               Clock Stretching Enabled & Low Power
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_CLKSTRETCH_OFF                              Clock Stretching Disabled & Low Power
   * @n            SHT40:
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_OFF                                 measure T & RH with high precision (high repeatability) 
   * @n                    PRECISION_MID_HEATER_OFF                                  measure T & RH with medium precision (medium repeatability)
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_OFF                                  measure T & RH with lowest precision (low repeatability) 
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_1S                                  activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 200mW @ 3.3V) for 1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_100MS                               activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 200mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s
   * @n                    PRECISION_MID_HEATER_1S                                   activate medium heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 110mW @ 3.3V) for 1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_MID_HEATER_100MS                                activate medium heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 110mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_1S                                   activate lowest heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 20mW @ 3.3V) for 1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_100MS                                activate lowest heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 20mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s 
   void setMode(uint16_t mode) ;

   * @brief  获取传感器的唯一标识符
   * @return 获取成功返回传感器的唯一标识符,失败返回0
   uint32_t getDeviceID();

   * @brief  software reset
   void softwareReset() ;

   * @brief  Obtain raw data of temperature and humidity
   * @param  temp Pointer to the address of the original value of the temperature
   * @param  hun   Pointer to the address of the original value of the humidity
   * @return Is the data obtained correct? return true  The data is correct ; return false  The data  is incorrect
   bool getTandRHRawData(uint16_t *temp, uint16_t *hum);

   * @brief  当传感器处于睡眠模式时,在进行任何进一步的通信之前,需要唤醒
  void wakeup();

   * @brief  设置传感器为睡眠模式,设置后,在未唤醒前无法进行数据采集
  void sleep();

Connection Diagram

Sample Code - Read Data

Record program and read the current temperature and humidity data.

   * @brief  初始化Wire,并且对传感器进行软件复位,然后使传感器进入睡眠状态,需要使用时,在对其进行唤醒。
  void begin();

   * @brief  获取温度数据
   * @return 温度值,单位:摄氏度
  float getTemperature();

   * @brief  获取湿度数据
   * @return 湿度值,单位:%RH
  float getHumidity();

   * @brief  获取温湿度数据
   * @param   tem  存放温度数据的引用
   * @param   hum  存放湿度数据的引用
  void  getTemHum(float &tem, float &hum);

   * @brief  设置传感器工作模式
   * @param  mode  传感器的工作模式
   * @n            SHTC3:
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_CLKSTRETCH_ON                              Clock Stretching Enabled 
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_CLKSTRETCH_OFF                             Clock Stretching Disabled 
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_CLKSTRETCH_ON                               Clock Stretching Enabled & Low Power
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_CLKSTRETCH_OFF                              Clock Stretching Disabled & Low Power
   * @n            SHT40:
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_OFF                                 measure T & RH with high precision (high repeatability) 
   * @n                    PRECISION_MID_HEATER_OFF                                  measure T & RH with medium precision (medium repeatability)
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_OFF                                  measure T & RH with lowest precision (low repeatability) 
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_1S                                  activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 200mW @ 3.3V) for 1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_100MS                               activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 200mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s
   * @n                    PRECISION_MID_HEATER_1S                                   activate medium heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 110mW @ 3.3V) for 1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_MID_HEATER_100MS                                activate medium heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 110mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_1S                                   activate lowest heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 20mW @ 3.3V) for 1s 
   * @n                    PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_100MS                                activate lowest heater power  & high precis. meas. (typ. 20mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s 
   void setMode(uint16_t mode) ;

   * @brief  获取传感器的唯一标识符
   * @return 获取成功返回传感器的唯一标识符,失败返回0
   uint32_t getDeviceID();

   * @brief  software reset
   void softwareReset() ;

   * @brief  Obtain raw data of temperature and humidity
   * @param  temp Pointer to the address of the original value of the temperature
   * @param  hun   Pointer to the address of the original value of the humidity
   * @return Is the data obtained correct? return true  The data is correct ; return false  The data  is incorrect
   bool getTandRHRawData(uint16_t *temp, uint16_t *hum);

   * @brief  当传感器处于睡眠模式时,在进行任何进一步的通信之前,需要唤醒
  void wakeup();

   * @brief  设置传感器为睡眠模式,设置后,在未唤醒前无法进行数据采集
  void sleep();

Expected Results

Open the serial port to display the current temperature and humidity data.


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