Beetle ESP32-C6 Microcontroller Wiki - DFRobot


The Beetle ESP32-C6, a minuscule Arduino IoT development board designed around the ESP32-C6 chip, exhibits a low-power consumption and is as small as a coin, measuring only 25*20.5mm. The ESP32-C6, equipped with a high-performance 160MHz RISC-V 32-bit processor, supports communication protocols such as Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5, Zigbee 3.0, and Thread 1.3, thus allowing it to connect to various IoT networks. The board also integrates a lithium battery charging management system, eliminating the need for additional modules, thus making the project compact.

Highly Integrated, Ultra-Small Volume

The Beetle ESP32-C6, despite its coin-size volume, offers up to 13 IO ports, erasing any concerns about a lack of IOs while creating projects. It integrates a lithium battery charging management feature, ensuring safe charging of the lithium battery. This development board also supports battery voltage monitoring, enabling actions to be taken when the power level is insufficient to ensure the device's continuous operation.

Support for Various Transmission Protocols, Expanded Wireless Connectivity

The Beetle ESP32-C6 supports Wi-Fi and Thread communication protocols, thus it can be used to create Matter Wi-Fi terminal devices and Matter Thread terminal devices, achieving seamless communication and cooperation between multi-system, multi-platform smart home devices. Furthermore, the Beetle ESP32-C6 also supports BLE and Zigbee communication protocols. When combined with other MCUs, it can serve as a Thread border router, Matter gateway, and Zigbee bridge.

Supports Wi-Fi 6, Enabling Ultra-Low Power IoT Devices

The ESP32-C6 is Espressif's first chip to support the Wi-Fi 6 protocol (802.11ax), which provides improved network capacity, enabling devices to operate with high efficiency and low latency. Moreover, the Target Wake Time (TWT) technology of Wi-Fi 6 effectively reduces device power consumption, prolongs battery life, and ensures long-term device operation.


Application Scenarios


Basic Parameters

Hardware Information



IEEE 802.15.4


Board Overview

Pin Diagram

Pin Definition

Tutorial - First Time Use

Arduino IDE Configuration

Please pay attention to the followings when using FireBeetle 2 ESP32-C6 for the first time.

  1. Add the json link in the IDE
  2. Download the core of the MCU
  3. Select the development board and serial port
  4. Open the sample code and burn it into the board
  5. Get to know the serial monitor

Arduino IDE compiler environment config

  1. Open Arduino IDE and click File->Preferences, as shown below.

  1. In the newly opened interface, click the button in the red circle as shown below

  1. Copy the following link into the new pop-up dialog box:

​ Stable version:

​ Development release:


  1. Click OK. Update the board. Open Tools->Board:->Boards Manager... as shown below:

  1. Boards Manager will automatically update the boards as shown below:

  1. After completing the update, you can enter esp32 at the top, select esp32 and click install when the following occurs (It's recommended to install the latest version):

  1. Wait for the end of the following progress bar:

  1. After completing the installation, the list will show that the esp32 has been installed, as shown below:

  1. Click Tools->Board, select DFRobot FireBeetle 2 ESP32-C6.

  1. Before starting, you need to configure the following settings (when you select Disabled, the serial port is RX(17), TX(16), if you need to print on the Arduino monitor via USB, you need to select Enable)

  1. Click Port to select the corresponding serial port.

LED Blinking

The default pin for the onboard LED is pin 15.

Sample Code

int led = 15;
void setup() {

void loop() {

Burning Successful

mage above shows that your codes have been successfully loaded into the board. Then, the onboard LED will start blinking.

Basic Tutorial

The basic tutorial includes the use of Battery voltage detection, PWM, interrupt, serial port, servo, and SD card.

Advanced Tutorial

The advanced tutorial domenstrates how to use screen, Bluetooth, WiFi, ESP-NOW, one-key for networking config and sample projects.


1. What will cause burning error?

How to solve

Principle During the initialization process, ESP32 undertakes a verification of the voltage level on the BOOT (IO9) pin. If the voltage level is determined to be high, the system proceeds with a normal startup. In contrast, if the voltage level is deemed to be low, the device enters into the programming mode. By default, the BOOT pin maintains a high voltage level, but it transitions to a low level when a button is pressed.

2. Data cannot be printed on serial port

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