SEN0610 Gravity:C4001 mmWave Presence Sensor (12m) – I2C & UART

SEN0610 Gravity:C4001 mmWave Presence Sensor (12m) – I2C & UART


C4001 (12m) millimeter wave presence sensor uses a wavelength signal of 24GHz, with a detection range of 100° horizontally, presence detection range of 8 meters, and motion detection and ranging range of 12 meters.

Human detection

Compared to other types of human presence sensors, such as infrared sensors, the C4001 (12m) millimeter wave presence sensor has the advantage of detecting both static and moving objects. It also has a relatively strong anti-interference ability, making it less susceptible to factors such as temperature changes, variations in ambient light, and environmental noise. Whether a person is sitting, sleeping, or moving, the sensor can quickly and sensitively detect their presence.

Millimeter-wave Presence Sensor Infrared Sensor
Sensing Principle TOF radar principle + Doppler radar sensing principle (active detection) Pyroelectric infrared sensing principle (passive radiation)
Motion Sensitivity Can detect presence, slight movement, and motion of human body Can only detect motion and close-range slight movement of human body
Sensing Range Can be adjusted to different sensing distances Sensing range cannot be adjusted
Environmental Temperature Impact Not affected by environmental temperature Sensitivity decreases when temperature is close to human body temperature
Application Environment Not affected by heat sources, light sources, air flow Susceptible to heat sources and air flow
Penetration Ability Can penetrate fabrics, plastics, glass, and other insulating materials Can only penetrate some transparent plastics
Distance Measurement Support Yes No
Distance and velocity detection

The C4001 (12m) millimeter wave presence sensor utilizes FMCW modulation for distance and speed measurement. It has a maximum detection range of 12 meters and a speed measurement range of 0.1 to 10 meters per second.

FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) is a type of radar system based on frequency modulation of continuous wave signals. Unlike traditional pulse radar, FMCW radar continuously emits a series of continuous wave signals with gradually changing frequencies while simultaneously receiving the reflected signals. By analyzing the received signals, measurements of parameters such as distance, speed, and angle can be achieved.

Compared to traditional pulse radar technology, FMCW radar can continuously measure the distance of an object. By utilizing the Doppler effect, it can also obtain information about the velocity of the target object. This makes FMCW radar suitable for applications that require tracking the movement of objects. Additionally, FMCW radar can achieve continuous frequency scanning, providing higher measurement resolution. Since it does not require waiting for the return of echo signals, FMCW radar is suitable for applications that require real-time monitoring and tracking of target objects.

What is a millimeter-wave radar sensor?

Millimeter-wave radar technology is a non-contact sensing technology used to detect objects and provide information about their distance, velocity, and angle (in the case of humans, for example). The signals emitted by millimeter-wave sensors fall within the high-frequency spectrum with wavelengths between 24GHz and 300GHz, also known as the millimeter (mm) range.


Technical Specifications

Interface Definitions

Definition Explanation
+ Power
- Ground
C/R I2C Clock Line / RX
D/T I2C Data Line / TX

Installation Method

The millimeter-wave human body sensor is sensitive to the installation method, and improper installation can affect the performance and functionality of the sensor. The commonly used installation methods for this module include top installation, bottom installation, horizontal installation, and downward tilted installation.

Top Installation

Bottom Installation

Horizontal Installation

Demo Program

Information Retrieval in UART Communication


Wiring diagram

mmWave Arduino Uno
C/R D5
D/T D4

Sample code

Please switch the DIP switch on the back of the sensor to the UART direction, and copy the following code to your Arduino IDE and upload it.

  * @file  motionDetection.ino
  * @brief  Example of radar detecting whether an object is moving
  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
  * @license The MIT License (MIT)
  * @author ZhixinLiu(
  * @version V1.0
  * @date 2024-02-02
  * @url

#include "DFRobot_C4001.h"

//#define I2C_COMMUNICATION  //use I2C for communication, but use the serial port for communication if the line of codes were masked

   * DEVICE_ADDR_0 = 0x2A     default iic_address
   * DEVICE_ADDR_1 = 0x2B
  DFRobot_C4001_I2C radar(&Wire ,DEVICE_ADDR_0);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *    board   |             MCU                | Leonardo/Mega2560/M0 |    UNO    | ESP8266 | ESP32 |  microbit  |   m0  |
 *     VCC    |            3.3V/5V             |        VCC           |    VCC    |   VCC   |  VCC  |     X      |  vcc  |
 *     GND    |              GND               |        GND           |    GND    |   GND   |  GND  |     X      |  gnd  |
 *     RX     |              TX                |     Serial1 TX1      |     5     |   5/D6  |  D2   |     X      |  tx1  |
 *     TX     |              RX                |     Serial1 RX1      |     4     |   4/D7  |  D3   |     X      |  rx1  |
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Baud rate cannot be changed */
  #if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) || defined(ESP8266)
    SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 5);
    DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&mySerial ,9600);
  #elif defined(ESP32)
    DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&Serial1 ,9600 ,/*rx*/D2 ,/*tx*/D3);
    DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&Serial1 ,9600);

void setup()
    Serial.println("NO Deivces !");
  Serial.println("Device connected!");

  // exist Mode

  sSensorStatus_t data;
  data = radar.getStatus();
  //  0 stop  1 start
  Serial.print("work status  = ");

  //  0 is exist   1 speed
  Serial.print("work mode  = ");

  //  0 no init    1 init success
  Serial.print("init status = ");

   * min Detection range Minimum distance, unit cm, range 0.3~25m (30~2500), not exceeding max, otherwise the function is abnormal.
   * max Detection range Maximum distance, unit cm, range 2.4~25m (240~2500)
   * trig Detection range Maximum distance, unit cm, default trig = max
  if(radar.setDetectionRange(/*min*/30, /*max*/1000, /*trig*/1000)){
    Serial.println("set detection range successfully!");
  // set trigger sensitivity 0 - 9
    Serial.println("set trig sensitivity successfully!");

  // set keep sensitivity 0 - 9
    Serial.println("set keep sensitivity successfully!");
   * trig Trigger delay, unit 0.01s, range 0~2s (0~200)
   * keep Maintain the detection timeout, unit 0.5s, range 2~1500 seconds (4~3000)
  if(radar.setDelay(/*trig*/100, /*keep*/4)){
    Serial.println("set delay successfully!");

  // get confige params
  Serial.print("trig sensitivity = ");
  Serial.print("keep sensitivity = ");

  Serial.print("min range = ");
  Serial.print("max range = ");
  Serial.print("trig range = ");

  Serial.print("keep time = ");

  Serial.print("trig delay = ");


void loop()
  // Determine whether the object is moving
    Serial.println("exist motion");



IIC communication distance speed acquisition


Wiring diagram

Sample code

Copy the following code and upload it to your Arduino IDE。

  * @file  mRangeVelocity.ino
  * @brief  radar measurement demo
  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
  * @license The MIT License (MIT)
  * @author ZhixinLiu(
  * @version V1.0
  * @date 2024-02-02
  * @url

#include "DFRobot_C4001.h"

#define I2C_COMMUNICATION  //use I2C for communication, but use the serial port for communication if the line of codes were masked

   * DEVICE_ADDR_0 = 0x2A     default iic_address
   * DEVICE_ADDR_1 = 0x2B
DFRobot_C4001_I2C radar(&Wire, DEVICE_ADDR_0);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *    board   |             MCU                | Leonardo/Mega2560/M0 |    UNO    | ESP8266 | ESP32 |  microbit  |   m0  |
 *     VCC    |            3.3V/5V             |        VCC           |    VCC    |   VCC   |  VCC  |     X      |  vcc  |
 *     GND    |              GND               |        GND           |    GND    |   GND   |  GND  |     X      |  gnd  |
 *     RX     |              TX                |     Serial1 TX1      |     5     |   5/D6  |  D2   |     X      |  tx1  |
 *     TX     |              RX                |     Serial1 RX1      |     4     |   4/D7  |  D3   |     X      |  rx1  |
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Baud rate cannot be changed */
#if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) || defined(ESP8266)
SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 5);
DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&mySerial, 9600);
#elif defined(ESP32)
DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&Serial1, 9600, /*rx*/ D2, /*tx*/ D3);
DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&Serial1, 9600);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial)
  while (!radar.begin()) {
    Serial.println("NO Deivces !");
  Serial.println("Device connected!");

  // speed Mode

  sSensorStatus_t data;
  data = radar.getStatus();
  //  0 stop  1 start
  Serial.print("work status  = ");

  //  0 is exist   1 speed
  Serial.print("work mode  = ");

  //  0 no init    1 init success
  Serial.print("init status = ");

   * min Detection range Minimum distance, unit cm, range 0.3~20m (30~2500), not exceeding max, otherwise the function is abnormal.
   * max Detection range Maximum distance, unit cm, range 2.4~20m (240~2500)
   * thres Target detection threshold, dimensionless unit 0.1, range 0~6553.5 (0~65535)
  if (radar.setDetectThres(/*min*/ 11, /*max*/ 1200, /*thres*/ 10)) {
    Serial.println("set detect threshold successfully");

  // set Fretting Detection

  // get confige params
  Serial.print("min range = ");
  Serial.print("max range = ");
  Serial.print("threshold range = ");
  Serial.print("fretting detection = ");

void loop() {
  Serial.print("target number = ");
  Serial.println(radar.getTargetNumber());  // must exist
  Serial.print("target Speed  = ");
  Serial.println(" m/s");

  Serial.print("target range  = ");
  Serial.println(" m");

  Serial.print("target energy  = ");





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Dimensional diagram

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