Gravity: The Color Temperature Illuminance Sensor is a high-performance light source sensing sensor, specifically designed for precise measurement and control of the lighting environment. It directly outputs two key optical physical quantities, color temperature and illuminance intensity, making your understanding of ambient light more accurate.
This sensor supports two communication methods, I2C and UART. After factory calibration, it can quickly and accurately measure various light source data in the environment. With these precise data, you can implement various applications such as home light color temperature synchronization and color temperature illuminance art interaction projects, making your lighting environment more in line with your needs.
Color Temperature
Color temperature is a physical quantity used to describe the color characteristics of a light source, in Kelvin (K). Its definition comes from the theory of blackbody radiation in physics, that is, when a blackbody is heated to a certain temperature, it will emit light of a specific color, and this temperature is defined as the color temperature of this color.
In our daily life, the concept of color temperature is everywhere. For example, what we often say about warm light and cold light actually refers to the different color temperatures of light sources. Warm light has a lower color temperature, usually between 2000K-3000K, and the light emitted is red or warm; while cold light has a higher color temperature, usually above 5000K, and the light emitted is blue or cold. The light temperature of different times of the day and weather conditions also varies. This color temperature illuminance sensor can convert these environmental lights into standard physical quantities (Kelvin, K).
Illuminance Intensity
Illuminance intensity, also known as illuminance, is a physical quantity that describes the brightness intensity of a light source at a specific distance or area, in lux (Lux). It reflects the light flux irradiated on the unit area, that is, what we usually call the "brightness level". For example, in a sunny outdoor environment, the illuminance intensity may be as high as 10,000 Lux, while in a dim indoor environment, the illuminance intensity may only be a few dozen or a few hundred Lux. In lighting design, photography, plant photosynthesis research and other fields, illuminance intensity is an important parameter.
- Outputs various light source data (color temperature, illuminance, xy color coordinates)
- Adopts I2C and UART as two modes of communication, Gravity interface
- Compact size, only 26mm×24mm
- Compatible with 3.3~5V main controller
- Indoor lighting systems
- Exhibition hall lighting systems
- Light quality detection equipment
- Supermarket lighting systems
- Screen display adjustment
- Operating voltage: 3.3-5V DC
- Operating current: 2.8mA
- Communication mode: I2C, UART
- Illuminance measurement range: 10-10000lux
- Illuminance measurement error: (±5) + (±10%) lux
- Color temperature measurement range: 2700-6500K
- Color temperature measurement error: ±10% K
- Light source angle measurement: 90°
- Operating temperature: -10~60°C
- Size: 26mm×24mm
- Partial environmental colortemperature illuminance data reference:
- Home living area: 2700K-5000K, 100-500 Lux
- Office workspace: 3000K-5000K, 300-500 Lux
- Store lighting: 3500K-4100K, 200-1000 Lux
- Gallery or museum: 3500K-4100K, 100-500 Lux
- School or library: 4100K-5000K, 300-500 Lux
Functional Diagram
Num | Label | Description |
1 | D/R | I2C data line SDA or UART RXD |
2 | C/T | I2C clock line SCL or UART TXD |
3 | GND | Power negative |
4 | VCC | Power positive (3.3~5V) |
5 | Communication Mode Switch | Select I2C/UART communication mode |
Note: Power off when switching communication mode
UART Communication Description
Factory Parameters
- Device address: 0x0032
- Baud rate: 9600bps
Command Table:
Device Address | Input Register Address | Baud Rate Address | Illuminance Reading Address | Color Temperature Data Reading Address | Color Coordinate x Reading Address | Color Coordinate y Reading Address |
0x0032 | 0x0004 | 0x0003 | 0x0006 | 0x0007 | 0x0008 | 0x0009 |
The format for sending commands is: Device address + function code + starting address of the register + number of registers + CRC check.
Reading UART Baud Rate
The master reads the baud rate of the module through the UART.
the master sends: 32 04 00 03 00 01 C4 09 //Read the baud rate as: 32 04 02 00 03 FD 35
Device Address------------------------------32
Function Code-------------------------------04//Read Input Register
Starting Address of Register----------------00 03//Read Baud Rate Register Address of Module
Number of Registers-------------------------00 01
CRC Check-----------------------------------C4 09
The baud rate data returned by the module is: 32 04 02 00 03 FD 35.
Device Address-----------------------32
Function Code------------------------04//Read Input Register
Number of Bytes----------------------02//Number of Returned Data Bytes
Data Read----------------------------00 03//9600bps
CRC Check----------------------------FD 35
Baud Rate Table:
2400bps | 4800bps | 9600bps | 14400bps | 19200bps | 38400bps | 57600bps | 115200bps | 115200bps |
0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0003 | 0x0004 | 0x0005 | 0x0006 | 0x0007 | 0x0008 | Other |
*Note: *The CRC check code is calculated through a method called Cyclic Redundancy Check. This algorithm will perform a series of bit operations on the data, including XOR, shift, etc., to finally obtain a check code. The check code can be used to check if there are errors in the data during transmission.
Reading Illuminance
The master reads the illuminance measured by the module through the UART.
The host sends 32 04 00 06 00 01 D4 08 //Illuminance read is 32 04 02 23 5E 25 FC
Device Address--------------------------32
Function Code---------------------------04//Read Input Register
Starting Address of Register------------00 06//Read Illuminance Register Address
Number of Registers---------------------00 01
CRC Check-------------------------------D4 08
The module reads the illuminance as: 32 04 02 23 5E 25 FC
Device Address-----------------------32
Function Code------------------------04//Read Input Register
Number of Bytes----------------------02//Number of Returned Data Bytes
Data Read----------------------------23 5E//Converted to Decimal is 9054lux
CRC Check----------------------------25 FC
Reading Color Temperature Data
The master reads the color temperature data measured by the module through the UART.
The host sends 32 04 00 07 00 01 85 C8 //Color temperature data read is 32 04 02 09 FC BB 25
Device Address-------------------------32
Function Code--------------------------04//Read Input Register
Starting Address of Register-----------00 07//Read Color Temperature Register Address
Number of Registers--------------------00 01
CRC Check------------------------------85 C8
The module reads the color temperature data as: 32 04 02 09 FC BB 25
Device Address----------------------32
Function Code-----------------------04//Read Input Register
Number of Bytes---------------------02//Number of Returned Data Bytes
Data Read---------------------------09 FC//Converted to Decimal is 2556K
CRC Check---------------------------BB 25
Reading Color Coordinate x
The master reads the color coordinate x measured by the module through the UART.
The host sends 32 04 00 08 00 01 B5 CB //Color coordinate x read is 32 04 02 13 67 F1 EE
Device Address------------------------32
Function Code-------------------------04//Read Input Register
Starting Address of Register----------00 08//Read Color Coordinate x Register Address
Number of Registers-------------------00 01
CRC Check-----------------------------B5 CB
The module reads the color coordinate x as: 32 04 02 13 67 F1 EE
Device Address----------------------32
Function Code-----------------------04//Read Input Register
Number of Bytes---------------------02//Number of Returned Data Bytes
Data Read---------------------------13 67//0x1367/1000
CRC Check---------------------------F1 EE
Reading Color Coordinate y
The master reads the color coordinate y measured by the module through the UART.
The host sends 32 04 00 09 00 01 E4 0B //Color coordinate y read is 32 04 02 11 BC B0 D5
Device Address-----------------------32
Function Code------------------------04//Read Input Register
Starting Address of Register---------00 09//Read Color Coordinate y Register Address
Number of Registers------------------00 01
CRC Check----------------------------E4 0B
The module reads the color coordinate y as: 32 04 02 11 BC B0 D5
Device Address---------------------32
Function Code----------------------04//Read Input Register
Number of Bytes--------------------02//Number of Returned Data Bytes
Data Read--------------------------11 BC//0x11BC/1000
CRC Check--------------------------B0 D5
Arduino Tutorial
Software and Hardware Preparation
- Hardware
- DFRduino UNO Controller x1
- SEN0611 Gravity: Color Temperature Illuminance Sensor x1
- Software
- Arduino IDE Click to Download Arduino IDE
- Download and install DFRobot_ColorTemperature library. How to Install Library?
Use I2C to Read Data
Wiring Diagram
Example Code
- Connect the module to the UNO controller according to the above wiring diagram, of course, you can also use the expansion board, which can be more convenient and faster to complete the project prototype.
- Switch the selector switch on the sensor to the I2C side.
- Download and install DFRobot_ColorTemperature library. How to Install Library?
- Open Arduino IDE, upload the following code to the UNO controller.
- Open the serial monitor of Arduino IDE, adjust the baud rate to 115200, and observe the serial print result.
Note: Power off when switching the switch
#include "DFRobot_ColorTemperature.h"
DFRobot_ColorTemperature CT(&Wire);
void setup()
while(CT.begin() != 0){
Serial.println(" Sensor initialize failed!!");
Serial.println(" Sensor initialize success!!");
void loop()
Serial.print("LUX: ");
Serial.print("CCT: ");
Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print("Y: ");
Open the serial monitor to obtain the final color temperature, illuminance, and X, Y color coordinates data.
Use UART to Read Data
Wiring Diagram
Example Code
- Connect the module to the UNO controller according to the above wiring diagram, of course, you can also use the expansion board, which can be more convenient and faster to complete the project prototype.
- Switch the selector switch on the sensor to the UART side.
- Download and install DFRobot_ColorTemperature library. How to Install Library?
- Open Arduino IDE, upload the following code to the UNO controller.
- Open the serial monitor of Arduino IDE, adjust the baud rate to 115200, and observe the serial print result.
Note: Power off when switching the switch
#include "DFRobot_ColorTemperature.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(/*rx =*/4, /*tx =*/5);
DFRobot_ColorTemperature CT(/*s =*/&mySerial);
void setup()
while(CT.begin() != 0){
Serial.println(" Sensor initialize failed!!");
Serial.println(" Sensor initialize success!!");
void loop()
Serial.print("LUX: ");
Serial.print("CCT: ");
Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print("Y: ");
Open the serial monitor to obtain the final color temperature, illuminance, and X, Y color coordinates data.
API Functions
class DFRobot_ColorTemperature: public DFRobot_RTU{
#define COLORTEMPERATURE_ADDR 0x32 ///<Device Address
#define COLORTEMPERATURE_ADDR_REG 0X02 ///< Device Address Register
#define COLORTEMPERATURE_LUX_REG 0X06 ///< Illuminance Register
#define COLORTEMPERATURE_CCT_REG 0X07 ///< Color Temperature Register
#define COLORTEMPERATURE_X_REG 0X08 ///< Color Coordinate X Register
#define COLORTEMPERATURE_Y_REG 0X09 ///< Color Coordinate Y Register
* @fn DFRobot_ColorTemperature
* @brief DFRobot_ColorTemperature constructor
* @param pWire I2C pointer to the TowWire stream, which requires calling begin in the demo to init Arduino I2C config.
* @param addr I2C communication address of SEN0611 device
DFRobot_ColorTemperature(TwoWire *pWire);
* @fn DFRobot_ColorTemperature
* @brief DFRobot_ColorTemperature constructor
* @param addr The device address of the communication between the host computer and SEN0611 slave device
* @param s The serial port pointer to the Stream, which requires calling begin in the demo to init communication serial port config of Arduino main controller, in line with that of SEN0611 device slave.
* @n SEN0611 serial port config: 9600 baud rate, 8-bit data bit, no check bit, 1 stop bit, the parameters can't be changed.
DFRobot_ColorTemperature(Stream *s);
* @fn begin
* @brief Initialize SEN0593
* @return Initialization status
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval -1 Failure
int8_t begin(void);
* @fn readLUX
* @brief Get sensor illuminance
* @return Illuminance obtained
uint16_t readLUX(void);
* @fn readCCT
* @brief Get color temperature data
* @return Color temperature obtained
uint16_t readCCT(void);
* @fn readX
* @brief Get color coordinate X
* @return Color coordinate X obtained
float readX(void);
* @fn readY
* @brief Get color coordinate Y
* @return Color coordinate Y obtained
float readY(void);
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