USB GPS Receiver GPS/GLONASS Navigation and Tracking Wiki - DFRobot

TEL0137 USB GPS Receiver (Compatible with Raspberry Pi/ LattePanda/ Jetson Nano)

TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable (Compatible with Raspberry Pi/ LattePanda/ Jetson Nano))


USB GPS Receiver

This GPS receiver brings much more accurate and faster positioning performance with stronger signal compared with traditional GPS receivers. It is compact, lightweight and portable. Integrated with built-in receiving antenna, this product adopts a high-precision positioning chip and industrial-grade manufacturing process so that it can meet the positioning requirements of both industrial-grade and personal use. The GPS receiver has battery inside for supplying power for storing satellite data, such as satellite signal status, final position and time that would greatly increase the positioning speed at the module’s next boot. In addition, this receiver adopts USB interface, which can be conveniently used in maincontrollers like Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA, LattePanda. It is suitable for vehicle navigation, handheld positioning, wearable devices and other fields.

USB GPS Receiver (2m Extension Cable)

This is an Ublox chip-based GPS receiver module of low power and high sensitivity that can receive 56 channels satellite signal. Compared with traditional GPS receivers, it brings much more accurate and faster positioning performance with stronger signal. Integrated with built-in receiving antenna, this product adopts a high-precision positioning chip and industrial-grade manufacturing process so that it can meet the positioning requirements of both industrial-grade and personal use. The GPS receiver has battery inside for supplying power for storing satellite data, such as satellite signal status, final position and time that would greatly increase the positioning speed at the module’s next boot. Besides, this receiver adopts USB interface, which can be conveniently used in maincontrollers like Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA, LattePanda. The module has a 2m USB cable and its bottom is magnetic which makes it able to be easily attached to metal objects. It is suitable for vehicle navigation, handheld positioning, wearable devices and other fields.



1. NMEA0183 Protocol Introduction

Connect USB GPS receiver to your computer, and place in an open space. Check sensor data on via serial assistant.

The sensor will output the following data:

$GPVTG,309.62,T, ,M,0.13,N,0.2,K*6E

1.1 GGA

Sample Data: $GPGGA,061831.000,2236.9152,N,11403.2422,E,2,07,1.1,144.0,M,-2.2,M,4.8,0000*60

Name Example Unit Description
Message ID $GPGGA GGA protocol header
UTC time 061831.000 hhmmss.sss
Latitude 2236.9152 ddmm.mmmm
N/S Indication N N=North, S=South
Longitude 11403.2422 dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indication E W=West, E=East
Position Indication 2 0:unpositioned 1:SPS mode, position valid 2:Differential, SPS mode, position valid, 3:PPS mode, position valid
Satellites Used 07 Range: 0 to 12
HDOP 1.1 Horizontal Precision
MSL Altitude 144.0 Meters -
Unit M Meters
Geoidal -2.2 Meters -
Units M -
Differential Time 4.8 Second Invalid when DGPS is not used
Differential ID 0000
Checksum *60

1.2 GSA

Sample Data: $GPGSA,A,3,18,22,25,12,14,21,24,15,,,,,1.93,1.04,1.63*01

Name Sample Unit Description
Message ID $GPGSA GSA protocol Header
Mode 1 A M=Manual(forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode), A=Automatic
Mode 2 3 1:Position invalid, 2:2D Position, 3:3D Position
Satellite used 18 Channel 1
Satellite used 22 Channel 2
Satellite used 25 Channel 3
Satellite used 12 Channel 4
Satellite used 14 Channel 5
Satellite used 21 Channel 6
Satellite used 24 Channel 7
Satellite used 15 Channel 8
,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,
Satellite used Channel 12
PDOP 1.93 Position Precision
HDOP 1.04 Horizontal Precision
VDOP 1.63 Vertical Precision
Checksum *01

1.3 GSV

Sample Data:

Name Sample Unit Description
Message ID $GPGSV GSV protocol header
Number of messages 3 Range 1 to 3
Message Number 1 Range 1 to 3
Number of satellites 11
Satellite ID 12 Range 1 to 32
Elevation 40 Degrees Max 90°
Azimuth 089 Degrees Range 0 to 359°
SNR(C/No) 45 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
Satellite ID 14 Range 1 to 32
Elevation 37 Degrees Max 90°
Azimuth 314 Degrees Range 0 to 359°
SNR(C/No) 46 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
Satellite ID 15 Range 1 to 32
Elevation 10 Degrees Max 90°
Azimuth 078 Degrees Range 0 to 359°
SNR(C/No) 44 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
Satellite ID 18 Range 1 to 32
Elevation 77 Degrees Max 90°
Azimuth 096 Degrees Range 0 to 359°
SNR(C/No) 43 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
Checksum *72

1.4 RMC

Sample Code: $GPRMC,061831.000,A,2236.9152,N,11403.2422,E,0.00,,130214,,,D*76

Name Sample Unit Description
Message ID $GPRMC RMC Protocol Header
UTC Time 061831.000
Status A A=Data valid; V=Data invalid
Latitude 2236.9152 ddmm.mmmmm
N/S Indication N N=North, S=South
Longitude 11403.2422 dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indication E W=West, E=East
Speed over Ground 0.00 Knot(Knots)
Course over Ground Degrees
Date ddmmyy
Magnetic variation -
Checksum *76

1.5 VTG

Sample Data: $GPVTG,309.62,T, ,M,0.13,N,0.2,K*6E

Name Sample Unit Description
Message ID $GPVTG VTG protocol header
Course over Ground 309.62 Degrees
Reference T True
Course over Ground 309.62 Degrees
Reference M Magnetic
Speed 0.13 Knot(Knots)
Unit N Knots
Speed 0.2 km/hr
Unit K km/hr
Checksum *6E

On Windows or LattePanda

  1. Download and install Google Earth.
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable On Windows or LattePanda
  1. Connect USB GPS module to your Computer or LattePanda, and open the Google Earth.
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable On Windows or LattePanda
  1. Configure as follows.
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable On Windows or LattePanda

If the picture has been jumping far and near, you can click stop, and then click start after it is stable.

TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable On Windows or LattePanda

Read GPS Data on Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or Linux

  1. Download program, and plug in USB GPS receiver.

Taking Raspberry Pi as an example, same to Nano and Linux.

Input the following commands at the terminal
cd .....                                                     //Directory of the file you want to save 
git clone     //Download program from Github 
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable Read GPS Data on Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or Linux
  1. Check device


sudo ls -l /dev

Find the device you just connected.

TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable Read GPS Data on Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or Linux
  1. Open the previously downloaded min. C file, change the device port in the program to be consistent with the actual one, and save it.
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable Read GPS Data on Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or Linux
  1. Open the folder of the program on the terminal, compile and run.
cd ..... /USB_GPS_LINUX
gcc -o GPS main.c
sudo ./GPS
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable Read GPS Data on Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or Linux
  1. Copy the GPS data to the Google Map
TEL0138 USB GPS Receiver with 2m Extension Cable Read GPS Data on Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or Linux


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