IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi Wiki - DFRobot

DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+


This IO Expansion HAT from DFRobot is the perfect companion for your Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+! It leads out all of the IO ports on Raspberry Pi including digital port, analog port, PWM, IIC, UART, SPI, and IIS. Besides that, the HAT is totally compatible with DFRobot Gravity Series which frees users from complicated connection work, and enables them to just concentrate on their projects building.

Raspberry Pi GPIO pins work with a maximum logic level of 3.3V. Besides the 3.3V power sensor and module, the product also supports:


Board Overview

DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Board Overview DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Board Overview
Silkscreen Label Description
+ + 3.3V Positive
- - Negative
Binding post connect to external power positive
Binding post connect to external power negative
Digital 0-27 Raspberry Pi GPIO0-GPIO27
PWM 0-3 PWM signal output pin 0-3
Analog 0-3 Analog signal input pin 0-3
IIC C IIC port clock line
D IIC port data line
UART T UART Transmit port
R UART Receive port
5V 5V 5V positive
GND GND Negative
IIS SCK IIS serial clock line
DIN IIS serial data input
LCK IIS L/R channel selection line
BCK IIS system clock line
SPI MISO SPI data output line
SS SPI enable pin
SCLK SPI serial clock line
MOSI SPI data input line

warning_yellow.png Note:


Port and Learning Guide

DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Tutorial DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Tutorial DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Tutorial DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Tutorial DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Tutorial DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Tutorial


This example domenstrates how to use the sensors of all ports on Raspberry Pi expansion board.

IIC Usage Operation and Program Execution Introduction

Open Terminal and input the following commands, press "Enter":

sudo raspi-config 

Use the "Enter" key to select: [Interfacing Options] or ([Advanced Options])->[I2C]->[Yes]->[OK]->[Finish]:

DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ IIC Usage Operation and Program Execution Introduction DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ IIC Usage Operation and Program Execution Introduction DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ IIC Usage Operation and Program Execution Introduction DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ IIC Usage Operation and Program Execution Introduction

Input the following commands into the terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-smbus git

Input the following commands into the terminal:

cd ~
git clone
  1. Input command:

    cd DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board/raspberry
  2. Open Thonny Python IDE under Raspberry Pi system to check the downloaded file.

DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ IIC Usage Operation and Program Execution Introduction

IIC Usage Example

IO expansion board has 3 groups of IIC ports that are led out via Raspberry Pi GPIO2(SDA.1)and GPIO3(SCL.1)(BCM code).

Take SEN0303 VEML6075 UV sensor as a example, click to dowmload [DFRobot_VEML6075 Library file] ( "DFRobot_VEML6075 Library file"), or input the following command into the terminal:

cd ~
git clone

Run the DFRobot_VEML6075_demo.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 *  file
 *  normal test for VEML6075
 *  UVA index, UVB index and UV index will print on terminal
 *  Copyright    [DFRobot](, 2018
 *  Copyright    GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  version  V1.0
 *  date  2018-12-18

import time
import sys

from DFRobot_VEML6075 import DFRobot_VEML6075

if __name__ == '__main__':

  VEML6075 = DFRobot_VEML6075(1, 0x10)  # use i2c bus 1, module address is 0x10

  while VEML6075.begin() != True:
    print("VEML6075 begin faild")
  print("VEML6075 begin succeed")

  while True:
    Uva = VEML6075.getUva()          # get UVA
    Uvb = VEML6075.getUvb()          # get UVB
    Uvi = VEML6075.getUvi(Uva, Uvb)  # get UVI
    print("======== start print ========")
    print("UVA:     %.2f" %(Uva))
    print("UVB:     %.2f" %(Uvb))
    print("UVA:     %.2f" %(Uvi))
    print("mw/cm^2: %.2f" %(VEML6075.Uvi2mwpcm2(Uvi)))
    print("======== end print =========")

Read UV data on Raspberry Pi.

DFR0566 IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+ Read UV data on Raspberry Pi

Servo Controlling Example

Gravity:IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi has 4-way PWM ports to convenient users to use on Rasbperry Pi.

Input the following commands to install the library:

cd ~
git clone

Run the demo-servo program, then we can see the servo will rotate from 0 to 180 and then rotate back. Click "ctrl+c" to exit the program execution.

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

  # Connect board with raspberryPi.
  # Run this demo.
  # Connect servo to one of pwm channels
  # All or part servos will move to 0 degree, then move to 180 degree, then loop
  # Test Servo:
  # Warning: Servos must connect to pwm channel, otherwise may destory Pi IO
  # Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  # Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  # version  V1.0
  # date  2019-3-28

import time

from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board import DFRobot_Expansion_Board_IIC as Board
from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board import DFRobot_Expansion_Board_Servo as Servo

board = Board(1, 0x10)    # Select i2c bus 1, set address to 0x10
servo = Servo(board)

''' print last operate status, users can use this variable to determine the result of a function call. '''
def print_board_status():
  if board.last_operate_status == board.STA_OK:
    print("board status: everything ok")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR:
    print("board status: unexpected error")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_DETECTED:
    print("board status: device not detected")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_PARAMETER:
    print("board status: parameter error")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_SOFT_VERSION:
    print("board status: unsupport board framware version")

if __name__ == "__main__":

  while board.begin() != board.STA_OK:    # Board begin and check board status
    print("board begin faild")
  print("board begin success")

  servo.begin()   # servo control begin

  while True:
    print("servo move to 0")
    servo.move(board.ALL, 0)
    print("servo move to 180")
    servo.move(board.ALL, 180)

    print("part servos move to 0")
    servo.move(0, 0)  #pwm0
    #servo.move(1, 0)  #pwm1
    #servo.move(2, 0)  #pwm2
    #servo.move(3, 0)  #pwm3
    print("part servos move to 180")
    servo.move(0, 180)  #pwm0
    #servo.move(1, 180)  #pwm1
    #servo.move(2, 180)  #pwm2
    #servo.move(3, 180)  #pwm3

Digital Port Example

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import atexit
while True:

UART Port Example

Gravity: IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi has 1-way UART port. Take SEN0285 Gesture&Touch Sensor as an example, click to download DFRobot_Gesture_Touch library.

Input the following commands into the terminal:

cd ~
git clone

Run the demo_gesture_touch program.

Analog Port Example

Gravity:IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi has 4-way analog ports. Input the following commands into the terminal to install the library:

cd ~
git clone

Download and run the demo_adc program.

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

  # Connect board with raspberryPi.
  # Run this demo.
  # All or part adc channels value will print on terminal
  # Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  # Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  # version  V1.0
  # date  2019-3-28

import time

from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board import DFRobot_Expansion_Board_IIC as Board

board = Board(1, 0x10)    # Select i2c bus 1, set address to 0x10

def board_detect():
  l = board.detecte()
  print("Board list conform:")

''' print last operate status, users can use this variable to determine the result of a function call. '''
def print_board_status():
  if board.last_operate_status == board.STA_OK:
    print("board status: everything ok")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR:
    print("board status: unexpected error")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_DETECTED:
    print("board status: device not detected")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_PARAMETER:
    print("board status: parameter error")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_SOFT_VERSION:
    print("board status: unsupport board framware version")

if __name__ == "__main__":

  board_detect()    # If you forget address you had set, use this to detected them, must have class instance

  # Set board controler address, use it carefully, reboot module to make it effective
  if board.last_operate_status != board.STA_OK:
    print("set board address faild")
    print("set board address success")

  while board.begin() != board.STA_OK:    # Board begin and check board status
    print("board begin faild")
  print("board begin success")

  # board.set_adc_disable()

  while True:
    val = board.get_adc_value(board.A0)   # A0 channels read
    #val = board.get_adc_value(board.A1)   # A1 channels read
    #val = board.get_adc_value(board.A2)   # A2 channels read
    #val = board.get_adc_value(board.A3)   # A3 channels read
    print("channel: A0, value: %d" %val)


PWM Example

Gravity:IO Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi offers 4-way PWM ports. Input the following commands into the terminal to install the library:

cd ~
git clone

Download and run the demo_pwm program

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

  # Connect board with raspberryPi.
  # Run this demo.
  # All pwm channel will set frequency to 1000HZ, duty to 50%, attention: PWM voltage depends on independent power supply
  # If there is DC motors connect to pwm channle, they will move slow to fast, then loop
  # Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  # Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  # version  V1.0
  # date  2019-3-28

import time

from DFRobot_RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board import DFRobot_Expansion_Board_IIC as Board

board = Board(1, 0x10)    # Select i2c bus 1, set address to 0x10

def board_detect():
  l = board.detecte()
  print("Board list conform:")

''' print last operate status, users can use this variable to determine the result of a function call. '''
def print_board_status():
  if board.last_operate_status == board.STA_OK:
    print("board status: everything ok")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR:
    print("board status: unexpected error")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_DETECTED:
    print("board status: device not detected")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_PARAMETER:
    print("board status: parameter error")
  elif board.last_operate_status == board.STA_ERR_SOFT_VERSION:
    print("board status: unsupport board framware version")

if __name__ == "__main__":

  board_detect()    # If you forget address you had set, use this to detected them, must have class instance

  # Set board controler address, use it carefully, reboot module to make it effective
  if board.last_operate_status != board.STA_OK:
    print("set board address faild")
    print("set board address success")

  while board.begin() != board.STA_OK:    # Board begin and check board status
    print("board begin faild")
  print("board begin success")

  board.set_pwm_enable()                # Pwm channel need external power
  # board.set_pwm_disable()
  board.set_pwm_frequency(1000)         # Set frequency to 1000HZ, Attention: PWM voltage depends on independent power supply

  while True:
    print("set all pwm channels duty to 30%")
    board.set_pwm_duty(board.ALL, 30)   # Set all pwm channels duty

    print("set part pwm channels duty to 60%")
    board.set_pwm_duty(0, 60)   # Set pwm0 channels duty
    #board.set_pwm_duty(1, 70)  # Set pwm1 channels duty
    #board.set_pwm_duty(2, 80)  # Set pwm2 channels duty
    #board.set_pwm_duty(3, 90)  # Set pwm3 channels duty

SPI Port Example

Refer to DFR0413 Inch OLED Display Module For Raspberry Pi Wiki.


For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum

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